All categories
Government Contracts

Government Contracts


Out of Stock
Goyle's Law of Specific Performance

Goyle's Law of Specific Performance

Author(s): S.K.Pathak


In Stock
Hudson's Building and Engineering Contracts

Hudson's Building and Engineering Contracts

Author(s): Atkin Chambers


In Stock
Infrastructure Contracts and Management

Infrastructure Contracts and Management

Author(s): Dr. Sridhar Mothe


In Stock
Interpretation of Contracts

Interpretation of Contracts

Author(s): Sir KIM Lewison

₹15,750.00 ₹12,600.00

In Stock
Keating on Construction Contracts

Keating on Construction Contracts


In Stock
Law of Agency

Law of Agency


In Stock
Law Relating to Electronic Contracts

Law Relating to Electronic Contracts

Author(s): R.K. Singh


In Stock
Law Relating to Tenders and Government Contracts

Law Relating to Tenders and Government Contracts

Author(s): T.R. Desai


In Stock
MES Manual on Contracts (Practice and Procedure)

MES Manual on Contracts (Practice and Procedure)


In Stock
MES Manual on Contracts 2020

MES Manual on Contracts 2020


In Stock
Morgan and Burden on IT Contracts

Morgan and Burden on IT Contracts


Out of Stock
Poole's Casebook on Contract Law

Poole's Casebook on Contract Law


In Stock
Poole's Textbook on Contract Law

Poole's Textbook on Contract Law


In Stock
Showing 21 to 40 of 50 (3 Pages)