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Company Meetings - Law, Practice and Procedure

Company Meetings - Law, Practice and Procedure

Author(s): Dr. K.R. Chandratre


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Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance


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Guide to Company Directors

Guide to Company Directors

Author(s): Dr. K.R. Chandratre


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Law Relating to Insider Trading

Law Relating to Insider Trading

Author(s): Dr. K.R. Chandratre


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Compendium of Key Issues Under Corporate Law (5 Volume Set)

Compendium of Key Issues Under Corporate Law (5 Volume Set)

Author(s): Dr. K.R. Chandratre


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Landmark Cases in Corporate Law

Landmark Cases in Corporate Law

Author(s): Dr. K.R. Chandratre


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Showing 1 to 7 of 7 (1 Pages)