- Author(s): B. Sandeepa Bhat
- Publisher: Eastern Law House
- Edition: Ed 2018
- ISBN 13 9788171773312
- Approx. Pages 330 + Contents
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
The space law started to emerge as a separate branch of international law. During 1960s and 70s, five major treaties were entered into the field of outer space under the auspices of the United Nations. However the progressive development of space law halted after the Moon Agreement in 1979 due to the divergence in the opinion of the States. Now in the 21st century, with the entry of private sector into space activities, commercial use has emerged as a single largest use of outer space. This has made the world community to rethink on the existing space law which is directed towards the regulation of traditional State activities in outer space and not towards the regulation of modern commercial activities.
Chapter 1: Answering the Legal Challenges Posed by Recent Developments in Space Activities
Chapter 2: Public-Private Partnerships for the Development of Space Activities
Chapter 3: Extraterrestrial Habitation and Space Law- A Socio - Legal Perspective
Chapter 4: Regulatory Mechanism for the Exploitation of Natural Resources in Outer Space
and Celestial Bodies
Chapter 5: Legal Protection to the Entrepreneurial Interest of the Private Players in the
Commercial Miming of the Lunar Resources
Chapter 6: Space Tourism- Some Legal Implications
Chapter 7: Regulating Space Exploration & Tourism- A Study of Space X and Blue Origin
Chapter 8: Regulating Space Tourism and Space Habitation- Significance of Sustainable
Development Concept
Chapter 9: Obligation Towards Debris Remediation Vis-a-vis Space Contamination and
Fault Liability
Chapter 10: Liability Sharing Mechanism for Commercial Outer Space Activities in Different
National Space Jurisdictions- A Comparative Study for Framework in India
Chapter 11: Space Insurance
Chapter 12: Settlement of Disputes Arising in Space Activities
Chapter 13: Regional Approaches to Space Cooperation- Creation of SASA (South Asian
Space Agency)
Chapter 14: Establishing International Space Organization- An Indian vista
Chapter 15: Bangalore Declaration- A Beacon for National Space Legislation for India
Author Details
B. Sandeepa Bhat, LLM, PhD Professor of Law, W.B. National University of Juridical Sciences Member, International Institute of Space Law, paris, France