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Estoppels and the Substantive Law or the Principles of Keeping Faith and Finality

Estoppels and the Substantive Law or the Principles of Keeping Faith and Finality

  • ₹1,250.00

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  • Author(s): H.K. Saharay
  • Publisher: R. Cambray & Co. Pvt. Ltd
  • Edition: 5 Ed 2007
  • Approx. Pages 772 + Contents
  • Format Hardbound
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 18 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

THIS is a classical work of Arthur Caspersz which was reproduced from Tagore Law Lectures, 1893. Sir F. Pollock among others highly appreciated this treatise in the following words. "It may safely be said that Mr. Caspersz's treatise is the most useful and comprehensive one yet written in the Eastern Hemisphere; and without attempting to weigh its general merits against those of Mr. Ewast's or Mr. Bigelow's more elaborate works, we think that English or Anglo-Indian lawyers may find it easier for practical reference." (See The Law Quarterly Review, England, July, 1909). This observation of Sir Pollock still holds good in present time on the said calssical work of Mr. Caspersz which was last published on 15th November, 1915 as the Fourth Edition. After long ninty one years though there have been statutory changes in some matters dealt with in this work, yet it can be safely said that there has not been any structural change in the basic theories of the work.
We have endeavoured to retain the original texts of this treatise with addition of sections (§) and footnotes to highlight the legal position at present.
We trust that this new edition will be helpful to the Bench, Bar and other persons who are interested in this legal field.
We place on record our sincere appreciation of Mr. Sujit Kumar Kar of R. Cambray & Co. Pvt. Ltd. who has initiated in bringing out this edition.
Part I Doctrine of Changed Situations
Chapter 1. Development of the Modern Doctrine
Chapter 2. Estoppels as Rules of Evidence or as Rules of Substantive Law
Chapter 3. Representations Express or Implied
Chapter 4. Doctrine of Changed Situations and the Evidence Act
Chapter 5. Principles of Agency
Chapter 6. Partnership
Chapter 7. Negotiable Instruments
Chapter 8. Corporations
Chapter 9. Patents and Trade Marks
Chapter 10. Bailor and Bailee
Chapter 11. Vendor and Purchaser
Chapter 12. Landlord and Tenant
Chapter 13. Relations of Trust
Chapter 14. of Deeds and Documents, including Mortages and wills
Chapter 15. Admissions in the Course of Judicial Proceedings
Part II Res Judicata or the Conclusiveness of Judgments, Decrees and Orders
Chapter 16. General Doctrine
Chapter 17. on the Relevancy of Judgments and the Effect of Fraud
Chapter 18. Of the Evidence Necessary to Support the Plea
Chapter 19. Matters in Issue
Chapter 20. Personal Bars
Chapter 21. Personal DEfault and the Principle of a Final Decision
Author Details
H.K. Saharay

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