- Author(s): S. Seetharaman Potty
- Publisher: SAS Publications
- Edition: Ed 2015
- Approx. Pages 278 + contents
- Format Paperback
- Approx. Product Size 24 x 18 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
- Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)
1. The Kerala (Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes) Regulation of Issue of Community Certificate
Act, 1996
2. Case Laws under The Kerala (Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes) Tegulation of Issue of
Community Certificates Act, 1996
3. Kerala (Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes) Regulation of Issue of Comunity
Certificates Rules, 2002.
4. The Kerala State Commission for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes Act, 2007
5. The Kerala State Commission for the Scheduled Castes and Schedulled Tribes Rules, 2011
8. Reservation for other Bacvkword Classes in Appointments to the Service & Posts uner the
Governmet of India
9. Verification/ Acceptance/ Validity period of OBC Certificates
10. Government Orders on Creamy Layer
11. Government Orders &Proceedings of the Scrutiny Committee for verification of
Community Certificate
12. Reservation of Vacancies for Nadars (Hindu Nadars & Nadars included in SIUC)
13. Concessions Granted to Inter-Caste Marriage People
14. Government Orders relating to Income Certificate
15. Delegation of powers to Taluk Tahsildars & Village Officers
18. Guideline for issue of Nativity Certificate
19. Issue of Minority Community Certificate for the purpose of national fellowship
scheme for minority community students
20. Reservation to L.C. Community for Admission to Plus Two Course
21. Government orders relating to Citizenship Certificate/Nationality Certificate etc.
25. Government Ordersrelating to inclusion of certain Castes in the OEC/OBC lists Etc.
26. De-linking of admissions to B.Sc. (Nursing), B. Pharm, B.Sc, (MLT) and BPT Courses from the
Common Entrance Examinations
28. Admission to Professional Degree Courses - 2009 (Amendment)
31. Inclusion of Certain Communities in the State List of Other Backward Classes
33. Government orders relating to Creamy Layer from the Socially & Educationally
Backward Classes for Reservation in Admission to Professional Degree
44. Overseas Scholarship to OBC Students seeking admission in rated Foreign Universities
45. Subject Index of Government Orders