- Author(s): S.R. Roy
- Publisher: Kamal Law House
- Edition: 7 Ed 2019
- Approx. Pages 1319 + Contents
- Format Hardbound
- Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
In this Seventh Edition special effort has been made on Family Settlement and Family Arrangement due to amendment of the Hindu Succession Act with the help of almost all the important decisions of different High Courts and of the Supreme Court. Thus the new edition is an up-to-date and comprehensive book. In this edition, a new Chapter named as "Notional Partition" has been added; and also exhaustive cases relating to coparcenary property have been incorporated. In Part III of the book, Partition Act contains not only the statue but all the rulings also of High Courts and Supreme Court have been taken note to make this edition a complete book in all respects. An elaborated subject Index have prepared with a view to help the readers to locate the topics of his choice quickly and conveniently. My thanks are due to Shri Kamal Kumar Lodha for his zeal and industry to make the book not only comprehensive but also thorough and exhaustive.
Part I
Law of Joint Property in India
1. Joint Property in India
2. Joint Hindu Family
3. Property of a Joint Hindu Family under
4. Mitakshara Joint Family - Powers and Duties of Karta
5. Joint Property under the Dayabhaga Law
6. Joint Property under the Mahomedan Law
7. Mahomedan Inheritance and Exclusion
8. Hanafi Law of Inheritance
9. Shia Law of Inheritance
10. joint Properties of Christians and Parsis
11. Joint Property - Generally
12. Law of Limitation and Procedure
13. Impartible Joint Property
14. Injunction and Joint Property
Part - II
Law of Partition
1. Partition - Introduction
2. Law of Partition under Mitakshara
3. Partition under Dayabhaga and Mahomedain Law and among Christian
4. Oral Partition
5. Partition by Deed
6. Partition by Suit
7. National Partition
8. Final Decree Proceedings & Valuations
9. Family Arrangement and Family Settlement
Part - III
Relevant Statutes and Model Forms
Partition Act, 1893
Section 1 to 10
Hindu Succession Act, 1956
Section 1 to 31
Model Forms
1 to 54
Author Details
S. R. Roy, B.A. (Hons.) LL.B Retired Judge, High Court, Calcutta