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Advanced Financial Management (CA Final, for May 2025 and onwards Examination)

Advanced Financial Management (CA Final, for May 2025 and onwards Examination)

  • ₹1,359.00

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  • Author(s): CA G Sekar
  • Publisher: Commercial Law Publishers (India) Pvt Ltd
  • Edition: 2 Ed Dec. 2024
  • ISBN 13 9789356036796
  • Approx. Pages 448 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 27 x 21 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)


Advanced Financial Management Subject of the Chartered Accountancy Final Course New Syllabus requires a Student to conceptually thorough with various Principles and also operationally enabled to handle practical situations in various areas, as provided in the Syllabus. Hence, the need is to have good Theory Background, and leverage it with adequate Practice of Practical Illustrations, to as to be able to face the Professional Exams with confidence.
The New and Updated Edition of this Book comes with the following Special Features –
1. Complete and Exhaustive Coverage of all Topics in the New Syllabus in a systematic and cohesive manner for proper understanding of concepts and principles.
2. "Chapter Overview" for each Chapter to highlight the overall flow of the Chapter and aid in comprehensive reading - re-organized into separate Chapters and Sub-Topics
3. Theory Discussion presented in a Point-By-Point easily assimilable fashion,
4. Around 700 Illustrations classified into sequential segments to provide overall conceptual clarity, with effective presentation as required for Main Exams,
5. Updated till the latest CA Main Exams and RTPs including solutions to Nov 2024 Exams. 6. Inclusion of more Pictures, Diagrams and Charts, in various topics to provide better clarity on concepts and to maintain the interests of Students' towards the subject.
This Edition is intended to be a complete and self-sufficient support to the students, for making the grade in the CA Final Examinations.
We place on record our thanks to The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India for their permission to give references to questions from Past Examinations and Revision Test Papers. We also acknowledge with thanks the suggestions and contributions of Students and Professionals for their feedback in improving upon the previous edition.
The Authors also thank the efforts and co-operation of the various Service Providers in bringing out this Edition including the support of the Publishers, in quickly getting this Book in the current form.
Valuable suggestions and constructive feedback from Users for improvement in content an presentation would be highly appreciated, gratefully acknowledged and suitably incorporated.
1. Strategic Financial Management
2. Capital Market & Related Services
3. Security Analysis
4. Portfolio Management
5. Mutual Funds
6. Money Market Operations
7. Dividend Policy & Share Valuation
8. Bond Valuation
9. Derivative Instruments - A Conceptual Framework
10. Futures
11. Options
12 Swaps and Interest Rate Derivatives
13. International Finance - Basics
14. Exchange Rate Risk Management
15. Advanced Capital Budgeting
16. International Capital Budgeting
17. Corporate Valuation
18. dividend is Mergers and Acquisitions
19. Sources of Finance - Other Matters
20. Hedge Funds
Author Details

Shri G Sekar is a graduate in commerce and a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He is a rank-holder and Gold Medallist in the graduation examinations. His areas of specialization include Direct Taxation, Indirect Taxation, Systems Audit, Accounting Standards and Government Accounting. He is a faculty member on Taxation, at Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and its Branches. He is also a visiting faculty on the subject in management and professional institutes including Regional Training Institute of Southern Region - C & AG. He has been regularly presenting papers on Direct and Indirect Taxation and Accounting Standards at conferences organised by various institutions. His articles on Direct and Indirect Taxation have been published in law journals.

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