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Hegel's Laws (the Legitimacy of a modern Legal Order)

Hegel's Laws (the Legitimacy of a modern Legal Order)

  • ₹799.00

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  • Author(s): William E. Conklin
  • Publisher: MPP House
  • Edition: Ed 2020
  • ISBN 13 9788194590200
  • Approx. Pages 382 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

This effort is an opportunity to look back on my own times when I was reading Hegel's works and reflecting about their relation to contemporary Anglo-American legal education, private law, constitutionalism, and in- ternational law. My experiences as a law student and law teacher ignited an interest in the possibility that there was more to the nature and iden- tity of law than the analysis of rules immunized from the ethicality pre- supposed in the content of the rules. After teaching law for some years, I leapt back into the prelegal world of nineteenth- and twentieth-century phenomenology in the form of a PhD under the guidance of H. S. Harris, Millie Bakan, and Barbara Godard. Immersed in a teaching culture that warrants little interest or value in Vernunft, I am especially grateful to the following scholars who read at least one chapter and who offered detailed feedback from which the book was greatly improved: Douglas Moggach, Graeme Nicholson, Debra Cook, Robert Pinto, Roger Cotterrell, Walter Skakoon, Jonathan Lavery, Jeff Noonon, Henry Pietersma, John Russen, Kostas Calfas, and John Lunstroth. Numerous participants of my confer- ence papers have helped to spot the need for clarification. An anonymous referee at an early stage, Alan Brudner and two later referees aided the ef- fort in important respects as did Michael Salter and David Gray Carlson, both of whom offered important suggestions.
William Twining read the whole of an early draft and responded with detailed comments about style, structure, and argument. William's en- couragement, since my early years of law teaching, remains especially ap- preciated. I have also greatly benefited from deep and heated discussions with my daughter, Annalijn, about Hegel's attitude toward women. Al-
Table of Contents
1. Hegel's Vocabulary
2. Hegel's Problematic
3. Legal Reasoning
4. Persons, Property, Contract, and Crime
5. Legal Formalism
6. The Ethicality of an Ethos
7. The Shapes of Family Law
8. The Laws of Civil Society
9. Constitutional Shapes and the Organic Constitution
10. Shapes of International Law
Further Reading
Author Details
Wiiliam E. Conklin

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