- Author(s): Sir John MacDonell, Edward Manson
- Publisher: Law and Justice Publishing Co
- Edition: Indian Rp 2023
- ISBN 13 9789393850621
- Approx. Pages 608 + Contents
- Format Paperback
- Approx. Product Size 21 x 14 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
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In his Nova Methodus discendo docendeque Jurisprudentiae Leibnitz describes a catalogue of Desiderata, and mentions among them the publication of lives of the great jurists. More than two centuries have passed without the suggestion bearing fruit. Only Leibnitz, with his encyclopaedia knowledge, could have adequately carried out his proposal; but it appeared to me that an attempt might be made by several writers to give effect in some form to the long-neglected suggestion. The result was this book, most of the contents of which appeared in a series of articles published in the Journal of Comparative Legislation. I have been asked to add to this collection of lives of eminent jurists a brief introduction or prefatory note. Perhaps no preface is needed; the book explains and, I hope, justifies itself. I do not claim that it carries out strictly a precise plan. Each writer has been, within certain wide limits, free to deal with his subject as he deemed fit, and in his own way; each is, consequently, responsible for his own contribution. Complete unity in the mode of treatment there is not. Not only the lives of the jurists, but their chief works are described; and the book, though not a history of jurisprudence, may be a help to a description of the great movements of jurisprudence which form no small part of the life of every people.
Gaius. By James Crawford Ledlie
Papinian. By E. C. Clark
Domitius Ulpian. By James Crawford Ledlie.
Bartolus. By The Late Sir William Rattigan
Andrea Alciati And His Predecessors. By Cole-Man Phillipson
Jacques Cujas. By Coleman Phillipson
Albericus Gentilis. By Coleman Phillipson..
Francis Bacon, Baron Verulam. By James E. G. De Montmorency
Hugo Grotius. By The Late Sir William Rattigan
John Selden. By Edward Manson
Thomas Hobbes. By James E. G. De Montmorency
Richard Zouche. By Coleman Phillipson.
Jean Baptiste Colbert. By H. A. De Colyar...
Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibnitz. By Sir John Macdonell
Samuel Von Pufendorf. By Coleman Phillipson
Giovanni Battista Vico. By Michael Rafferty
Cornelius Van Bynkershoek. By Coleman Periloson
Charles Louis De Secondat, Baron De La Brede Et De Montesquieu. Br S Courteney Ilbert
Robert Joseph Pothier. Br Jens E. G. De Mont Morency
Emerich De Vattel Bx Coleman Phillipson
Cesar Bonesana, Marquis Di Beccaria. By T. Bane
William Scott, Lord Stowell By Norman Bentwick
Jeremy Bentham By John Maxcy Zane
Carl Joseph Anton Mittermaier. By Levin Gold-Schmidt
Friedrich Carl Von Savigny. By James E. G. De Montmorency
Rudolph Vos Ihering. Br Sia John Macdonell.
Author Details
Sir John MacDonell, Fellow of the British Academy
Edward Manson, Secretary of the Society of Comparative Legislation