- Author(s): S. Seetharaman Potty
- Publisher: SAS Publications
- Edition: 4 Ed May 2017
- Approx. Pages 111 + Contents
- Format Paperback
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
This book "A Handbook on the General Provident Fund (Kerala) Rules, 2011" is the fourth Edition. The General Provident Fund (Kerala) Rules were brought into force on 1st April 1964. These rules are of great interest to all Government Servants from commencement to termination of their regular employment under the Government. Subsequently based on problems which cropped up in actual implementation, periodical changes were effected in the rules. During the subsequent four decades which have elapsed, several amendments, instructions and clarifications have been issued, but a comprehensive up-to-date edition of the rules are not available for reference. Absence of such a reference book results in violation of rules and instructions and also results in avoidable audit objections. Now in supersession of the Rules issued under Notification No. 39645/CR/62/Fin. dated 26th December, 1963 Government have notified the New General Provident Fund (Kerala) Rules with effect from 1st April 2011 vide Notification No.G.O.(P)94/2012/Fin. dated 7th February, 2012.
Chapter I Preliminary Rules
1. Short Title, Commencement
2. Definitions
Chapter II
A. Constitution of the Fund
3. Constitution of the Fund
B. Members eligible to join the Fund
4. Members eligible to join the Fund
C. Nominations
5. Nominations
Chapter III
A. Subscription to the Fund
6. Subscriber's account
B. Conditions and Rates of Subscriptions
7. Conditions of subscription
8. Intimation of election not to subscribe to the Fund
9. Rates of subscription
10. Transfer to foreign service or deputation outside the State
C . Realisation of Subscription
11. Realisation of subscription
12. Maintenance of Pass Book
Chapter IV Interest
13. Interest
Chapter V Advance from the Fund
14. Temporary Advance
15. Purposes for which Temporary Advance can be sanctioned
16. Authorities competent to sanction Temporary Advance
17. Conditions for sanctioning advance
18. Procedure to be followed
19. Recovery of Temporary Advance
Chapter VI
A. Non-refundable Withdrawal
20. Non-refundable withdrawal
21. Purposes for which withdrawals are sanctioned
22. Conditions for sanction of Non-refundable withdrawal
23. Authority Competent to Sanction withdrawal
24. Procedure for sanction of temporary advances and non-refundable withdrawals
to employees on deputation to foreign service
25. Utilisation of money by the subscriber
B. Conversion of an advance into a Non-refundable Withdraw
26. Conversion of an advance into a Non-refundable withdrawal
C. Recovery of Money drawn from, the Fund for improper us
27. Recovery of Money drawn from the Fund for Improper use
Chapter VII
A. Final withdrawal of accumulations in the Fund
28. Final Withdrawal of Accumulations in the Fund
29. Retirement of a subscriber
30. Procedure on the death of a subscriber
31. Disbursement of Provident Fund money to persons on behalf of minor
32. Procedure on the death of the nominee
33. Payment on behalf of a lunatic
34. Procedure for transfer of balance from other Provident Funds to the Fund
B. Relaxation of the provisions of the rules in special case
35. Relaxation of the provisions of the rules in special cases
Chapter VIII Accounting procedure
36. Accounting Procedure
Chapter IX Procedure for withdrawal from the Fund
37. Procedure for withdrawal of Temporary Advance and Non-refundable Withdrawal
38. Annual Statement of Accounts to be supplied to the subscribe]
Chapter X Closure of provident Fund account
39. Closure of Provident Fund Account
Schedule Forms A to U
The Provident Fund Act, 1925
Schedule - List of Institutions
Notifications under Section 8 (2) & (3) of the Provident Fund (Kerala) Rules
Index of Notifications & Government Orders
Subject Index