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Administrative Law

Administrative Law

  • ₹810.00

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  • Author(s): Dr. S.R. Myneni
  • Publisher: Asia Law House
  • Edition: 2 Ed Rp 2023
  • ISBN 13 9789386698001
  • Approx. Pages 528 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

State power consists of legislatures, executive and judiciary. They are not entirely separate organs but have strong bondage. Administration is the function of State and administrative authorities have been evolved separately from legislation and judiciary. It has the duty of implementation of State policies as per statutes enacted by the legislation. In a welfare state, administrative agencies perform a number of functions fairly and without arbitrariness. Abuse and misuse of power by the administrative authorities creeped in as time passed on and a separate law has been required to control the executives, various public institutions and agencies. Rule of law is essential not only to the public but also to administrative wing. The whole state structure is dependent on the ability and efficiency of the administration. The subject Administrative Law is of recent origin and witnessed tremendous growth and development in twentieth Century. It started as 'Droit Administratif in France and later occupied the globe as 'Administrative Law based on Common Law of England and through the decision of Courts. India too adopted the common law of Anglo-Saxon system under the British rule. After the independence, India has its own Constitution and provisions relating to administrative agencies. Along with this we continued the common law in practice under the control of judiciary power of higher courts. In this volume, the whole administrative law has been presented in five unites:
(i) Nature and Scope of Administrative Law;
(ii) Basic Concepts;
(iii) Classification of Administrative Functions;
(iv) Judicial Control of Administrative Action, and
(v) Remedies available against the State.
     The subject has been presented comprehensively in simple language, in concise
     form and in lucid style. No text book writer can claim the originality of thought,
     as the topics explained are based on references.
Unit I
Nature and Scope of Administrative Law

Chapter 1 Meaning and Definitions of Administrative Law
Chapter 2 Nature and Scope of Administrative Law
Chapter 3 Sources of Administrative Law
Chapter 4 Evalution of Administrative Law [Origin and Development of Administrative Law]
Chapter 5 Development of Administrative Law in the France (Droit Administratif)
Chapter 6 Development of Administrative Law in United Kingdom
Chapter 7 Development of Administrative Law in America
Chapter 8 Development of Administrative Law in India
Chapter 9 Reason for Growth of Administrative Law
Chapter 10 Relationship between Administrative Law and Constitutional Law
Unit - II
Concepts of Administrative Law

Chapter  1 Basic Concept of Administrative Law
Chapter  2 Meaning and Definition of Rule of India
Chapter  3 Interpretation of Dicey's Concept of Rule of Law
Chapter  4 Modern Trends of Rule of Law
Chapter  5 Rule of Law as Applied to India
Chapter  6 Theory of Separation  of Powers
Chapter  7 Position of Theory of Separation of Powers in India
Chapter  8 Position of Theory of Separation of Powers in United Kingdom
Chapter  9  Position of Theory of Separation of Powers in the United States of America
Unit III
Administrative Functions

Chapter 1 Classification of Administrative Functions
Chapter 2 Rule - Making or Legislative (Quasi-Legislative) Administrative Function
Chapter 3 Quasi-Legislative  Administrative Functions (Rule Decision Action)
Chapter 4 Administrative Functions [Rule Application Action]
Chapter  5 Administrative Ministerial Function
Chapter  6 Meaning Nature and Scope of Delegated Legislation
Chapter  7 Reason for the growth of Delegated Legislation
                  [Origin and Development of Delegated Legislation]
Chapter  8 Classification of Delegated Legislation
Chapter  9 Procedural Control
Chapter  10 Judicial Control
Chapter  11 Legislative Control (Parliamentary Control) over the Delegated Legislation
Unit IV
Judicial Control of Administrative Action

Chapter  1 Judicial Control of Administrative Action
Chapter 2 Grounds or Foundations of Judicial Control over Administrative Action
Chapter 3 Principles of Natural Justice
Chapter 4 Nemo Debet Esse Judex in Propria Causas Sua
                  [No man Should be a judge in his own cause] [Rules Aganist Bias]
Chapter 5 Audi Alteram Partem (Hear the Other Side)
Chapter 6 Administrative Discretion and its Control
Chapter 7 Transparency of Administrative Action and the Right to Information Act, 2005
Unit V Legal Remedies Against  State
Chapter 1 Remedies Available Against State
Chapter 2 Writs and Writ Jurisdiction
Chapter 3 Locus Standi
Chapter 4 Public Interest Litigation [Exception to the rule of Locus Standi]
Chapter 5 Res judicata
Chapter 6 Kinds of Writs
Chapter 7 Ombudsman
Chapter 8 Liability of State in Torts
Chapter 9 Liability of State in Contract
Chapter 10 Rule of Promissory Estoppel
Chapter 11 Constitutional Protection to Civil Servants
Chapter 12 Administrative Tribunals
Chapter 13 Commission of Inquiry
Chapter 14 Public Corporations
Subject Index

Author Details
Dr. S.R. Myneni,
M.A., M.Ed., LL.M., Ph.D., P.G. Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication, P.G. Diploma in Econometrics, P.G. Diploma in Mathematics Ekadhika in Vedic Mathematicss, Rashtra Bhasha Praveena (Hindi) Diploma in Russian Language.

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