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Commentaries on The Transfer of Property Act (2 Volume Set)

Commentaries on The Transfer of Property Act (2 Volume Set)

  • ₹3,995.00

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  • Author(s): Darashaw J Vakil
  • Publisher: LexisNexis
  • Edition: 6 Ed 2022
  • ISBN 13 9789391211684
  • Approx. Pages 2452 + Contents
  • Format Hardbound
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

with exhaustive notes, comments and case law references on the Transfer
of Property Act, 1882 (IV of 1882)

Transfer of property inter-vivos has assumed significance and it covers majority of transactions as compared to intestate succession and testamentary disposition. The term property under the Act has been used both in subjective and objective senses, which provide more scope for individual freedom in dealing with property. Therefore, the concepts have varied from time to time and place to place. The development of commercial activities on land and in relation to land has also necessitated some kind of protective legislation in areas of property. This development can be visualised through special legislations in different areas, however, Transfer of Property Act remains the general law to guide such activities. The classic treatise on Transfer of Property Act by Darashaw J Vakil has seen many changes in law and nature of activities since its first publication in 1938, however the main feature as put forth by the original author remains the same, but have been further expanded and developed on the basis of judicial pronouncements and legislative changes.
(Chapter I to III)
I. Preliminary [Secs. 1 To4]
II. Of Transfers Of Property By Act Of Parties [Secs. 5 To 53a]
     (A) Transfer Of Property, Whether Movable Or
        - Immovable
        - Election
        - Apportionment
     (B) Transfer Of Immovable Property
III. Of Sales Of Immovable Property [Secs. 54 To 57]
Discharge Of Encumbrances On Sale
Volume II (Chapter IV to VIII & Appendices)   
IV. Of Mortgages Of Immovable Property And Charges [Secs. 58 To 104]
 - Rights And Liabilities Of Mortgagor
 - Rights And Liabilities Of Mortgagee
 - Priority
 - Marshalling And Contribution
 - Deposit In Court
 - Suits For Foreclosure, Sale Or Redemption. Foreclosure And Sale
 - Redemption
 - Anomalous Mortgages
 - Charges
 - Notice And Tender
V.    Of Leases Of Immovable Property [Secs. 105 To 117]
Vi.   Of Exchanges [Secs. 118 To 121]
Vii.   Of Gifts [Secs. 122 To 129]
Viii. Of Transfers Of Actionable Claims [Secs. 130 To 137].
The Schedule
Subject Index
Author Details
Darashaw J Vakil

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