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Technical and Fundamental Analysis of a Companies

Technical and Fundamental Analysis of a Companies

  • ₹100.00

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  • Author(s): IIBF
  • Publisher: Taxmann
  • Edition: Ed 2004
  • Approx. Pages 130 + contents
  • Format Paperback

This is a good book on technical and fundamental analysis authored by a senior banker who was earlier associated with the largest mutual fund in the country. The subject matter is spread over topics comprising of
 •    Investment decision making process
 •    Efficient Market Hypothesis
 •    Technical and Fundamental Analysis
 •    Economic Analysis
 •    Industry Analysis
 •    Company Analysis
 •    Valuation
The book forms part of the course material provided by Indian Institute of Banking & Finance to the candidates appearing for the paper on "Technical & Fundamental Analysis" under Module II of their Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Advising (PGDFA) examination. Eminent experts under the guidance of Dr. S.A. Dave, former Chairman of UTI, have designed the course. All students of banking and finance as also the players in the capital market who use Technical & Fundamental Analysis as a tool for basing their investment decisions will find the book useful.
Chapter 1 - Investment Decision Making Process
    1.1 - What is investment
    1.2 - Measuring return and risk
    1.3 - Relationship between risk and return
    1.4 - The other aspect - Understanding Investor's Needs
    1.5 - Stating investment policy
     1.6 - Investment portfolio management process
    1.7 - Investment avenues
Chapter 2 - Introduction to Efficient Market Hypothesis
    2.1 - Perfect capital markets
    2.2 - Efficient market hypothesis
    2.3 - Implications of efficient market hypothesis for Technical and fundamental analysts
Chapter 3 - Introduction to Fundamental and Technical Analysis
    3.1 - Basic philosophies and underlying assumptions
    3.2 - Advantages and disadvantages of each methodology
    3.3 - Concept of intrinsic value
    3.4 - Top-down versus bottoms-up approach to fundamental analysis
 Chapter 4 - Economic Analysis
    4.1 - Major macroeconomic variables affecting industry and Company performance
    4.2 - Concept of business cycles
    4.3 - Economic forecasting
    4.4 - Inter-industry and Inter-Firm performance Analysis under a given
             Economic Forecast
Annex 1 : Select sources of Information and Data for Economic and Business Analysis
Chapter 5 - Industry Analysis
    5.1 - Industry life cycle analysis
    5.2 - Effect of business cycles on industries
    5.3 - Effect of external factors on industries
    5.4 - Industry demand-supply analysis
    5.5 - Intensity of competition within a business
    5.6 - Factors affecting pricing practices in a business
    5.7 - International competition
    5.8 - Key success factors for a business
    5.9 - Major risks faced by a business
 Chapter 6 - Company Analysis
    6.1 - Analysis of Management
    6.2 - Analysis of Competitive Advantage and Competitive Strategies of a Company
    6.3 - Analysis of Company on the Key Success Factors for the Industry
    6.4 - Financial AnalysisChapter 7 - Valuation
    7.1 - Types of Valuation Models
    7.2 - Selection of a Suitable Valuation Model
    7.3 - Relative Valuation Models
    7.4 - Dividend Discount Model (DDM)
    7.5 - Free Cash Flow Discount Models
Chapter 8 - Technical Analysis
    8.1 - Basic Philosophy and assumptions of technical analysis
    8.2 - Technical analysis is based on the following assumptions
    8.3 - Major Challenges to technical analysis
    8.4 - Technical Trading Rules and indicators
    8.5 - The Dow Theory8.6 Select major chart patterns
    8.7 - Conclusion

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