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Tannan's Banking Law and Practice in India

Tannan's Banking Law and Practice in India

  • ₹3,295.00

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  • Author(s): M.L. Tannan, Vinod Kothari
  • Publisher: LexisNexis
  • Edition: 29 Ed 2025
  • ISBN 13 9789395116947
  • Approx. Pages 1738 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

Tannan's Banking Law and Practice in India is an indispensable guide which provides an in-depth study of the highly specialised branch of banking law. The new edition is concise in its treatment and it meticulously and comprehensively takes into account all financial and banking sector reforms. Various elements of banking law such as regulation of banks, bank and customer relationships, lending activities of banks and recovery of loans, remittance activities of banks, including digital payments are thoroughly discussed. It contains up-to-date statutes, case law and RBI Master Circulars, Guidelines and Directions as well as other related  Circulars and Press Releases.
•    Covers recent amendment to the SARFAESI Act, Recovery of Debts Due to
      Banks Act etc. and enactment of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.
•    Elaborately discusses the impact of financial technology orfin-tech on global banking
•    Includes developments such as dis-intermediation and the growth of P2P lending
     which is challenging the role of banks as lenders
•    Discusses the role of banks as key players in the payment and settlement system
•    Incorporates reforms in India to introduce Basel III in a phased manner for adding
     a new liquidity standard in response to the changingglobal scenario
•    Discusses in detail the guidelines on restructuring of loans and related powers,
     including powers of change of management of the borrower
•    Comprehensively covers the recently launched forms of specialised banks
      including payment banks and small finance banks
•    Discusses the recommendations and impact of the Narasimham Committee,
      Verma Committee, Raghu Ram Rajan Committee in relation to the privatisation
      of banks in India
•    Makes reference to the Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance Bill,
•    Summarises the impact of the Union Budget, 2017 on bankingsector
This work is tremendously valuable to practitioners, banks, Financial Institutions
(Fis), legal officers, company secretaries, academicians, professionals, analysts,
regulators as well as students.
Chapter 1. Introductory
Chapter 2. Banking System and Banks in India
Chapter 3. Financial Institutions in India
Chapter 4. Functions of Commercial Banks
Chapter 5. Reserve Bank of India and its Role
Chapter 6. Private Banks and Foreign Banks
Chapter 7. Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity
                     Ratio (SLR) in Banks
Chapter 8. Directors and Managers of Banks
Chapter 9. Accounts and Balance Sheet of Banks
Chapter 10. Bank Audit and Inspection
Chapter 11. Banker and Customer
Chapter 12. Banker and Borrower Relationship
Chapter 13. Bankers as Borrowers, Deposits and Opening of Customers Accounts
Chapter 14. Customer Service in Banks
Chapter 15. Collecting Banker and Customer's Account
Chapter 16. Appropriation of Payments and Rule i Clayton's Case
Chapter 17. Banker's Lien and Set-off
Chapter 18. Interference by Third Parties—Injunctions, Garnishee or Attachment Orders & Decrees
Chapter 19. Employment of Funds and Advances
Chapter 20. Recall or Recovery of Advances, Suit for Recovery and Law of Limitation
Chapter 21. Payment of Principal and Interest
Chapter 22. Interest Rates on Advances
Chapter 23. Companies and Corporate Borrowers & Consortium Advances by Banks
Chapter 24. Bank and Partnership Accounts
Chapter 25. Advances or Lending to Priority Sectors and Social Banking
Chapter 26. Financial Inclusion & Lending to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
Chapter 27. Advances Against Collateral Securities
Chapter 28. Advances Against Goods and Documents of Title to Goods
Chapter 29. Immovable Properties, Intagibles, etc. as Securities
Chapter 30. Guarantees as Security for Banker's Advances and Position of Guarantor or Surety
Chapter 31. Bank Guarantees and Letters of Credit
Chapter 32. Financing of Exports
Chapter 33. Lease Financing & Factoring Services by Banks
Chapter 34. Consumer Loans, Personal Loans and Credit Card Loans
Chapter 35.  Documentation and Stamp-Duty
Chapter 36. Para-banking/financial Service by Banks
Chapter 37. BCSBI & IB A Code of Bank's Commitment to Customers And Banking Practices
Chapter 38. Operational Responsibilities and Negligence
Chapter 39. Frauds, Forgeries, Embezzlement and Vigilance in Banks
Chapter 40. Prudential Norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification/NPAS and Provisioning to Advances
Chapter 41. Basel III, CRAR and RBI Prudential Norms on New Capital Adequacy Framework (NCAF)
Chapter 42.The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
Chapter43. Cheques
Chapter 44. Payment of Customer's Cheques
Chapter 45. Dishonour of Cheques
Chapter46. The Banking Regulation Act, 1949
Chapter47. Payment and Settlement Systems
Chapter 48. Co-Operative Banks and Banking Regulation Act 1949
Chapter 49. The Bankers' Books Evidence Act, 1891
Chapter 50. The Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006
Chapter 51. Banking Services and The Consumer Protection Act, 1986
Chapter 52. Wilful Defaulters of Banks and Financial Institutions
Chapter 53    Recovery of Debts Due to Banks
Chapter 54    Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets - the Sarfaesi Act, 2002
Subject Index.
Author Details
M. L. Tannan, M.Com. (Brimingham), Barrister at-Law, A.C.A., I.E.S.(Retired), General Manager, Punjab National Bank Ltd.(1937-1939), Founder Member, Council of the Indian Institute of Bankers, Bombay (Formerly Principle and Professor of Banking, Sydenham Collage of Commerce and Economics, Bombay)
Revised By Vinod Kothari

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