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Suo Moto Petitions by Indian Courts

Suo Moto Petitions by Indian Courts

  • ₹350.00

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  • Author(s): Dr. Kalpeshkumar L Gupta
  • Publisher: Law and Justice Publishing Co
  • Edition: 2 Ed 2024
  • ISBN 13 9788119129669
  • Approx. Pages 182 + contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

Life surprises each individual with different challenges and each of them tend to teach a lesson at the end. The process never stops until one doesn't stop growing and making something out of their life. Education emerges as one of the tools that guide each individual to face the challenges and it never fades away. The wisdom one gains over the years and the knowledge it stays till the end and helps one to turn into a prudent person. This process of learning doesn't stop even when times are difficult like now when a global pandemic is at its acme and causing commotion across the globe. The ones that survive such mayhem and continue to learn will emerge as the winners and pioneers of the future. The challenging times test each individual in various manners through the two qualities patience and passion to learn helps man not to just escape but gain during such times.
The compilation is based on the ideology and various individuals came together to help showcase the importance of passion and patience. Dr. Kalpeshkumar L. Gupta (Founder, ProBono India) the pioneer in the field of the law cam up with the idea of this compilation and with the help of various enthusiastic volunteers, this project has been successfully compiled. The process of coming together, learning, and then sharing knowledge is what helps knowledge grow in the true sense, and this project forwards this form of learning. It was Dr. Kalpeshkumar L. Gupta who proposed the idea of developing and launching a series of case compilation under the ProBono India banner.
Table of Contents
A Compendium of Selected Case
. Disruption of Judicial Proceedings
. Justice Karnan's Contempt Case
. Delay in FIR
. Domestic Violence amid Lockdown
. Section 138 NI Act disposals
. Bandhs and Hartaals
. Living Dead
. Video of Toddler
. Cell phone in Court Room
. Yamuna River Pollution Case
. Shivkuti Rape Case
. Right to decent burial
. Custodial Death
. Lack of Cyber Police
. Climate Change
Author Details
Kalpeshkumar L. Gupta

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