- Author(s): Srinivasan
- Publisher: Law Publishers (India) Pvt. Ltd.
- Edition: 11 Ed 2024
- Approx. Pages 818 + Contents
- Format Hardbound
- Approx. Product Size 24 x 18 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
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Covering Property Rights of Women & Daughters with General Principles of Inheritance &
Useful Appendices
Srinivasan's Hindu Succession Act is an analytical, critical and exhaustive commentary on the subje Succession Act is an analytis of Hindu Law of Succession as the law prevalled ubject tracing the various sound came into force, highlighuith the extent to which it has made ute commensatakshara School of Hindu Lawcable respect to succession. The Act ovende intl other rules of succession, applicable to Hindus, and as such, the law as defined is largely simplified. The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 has amended and codified the law relating to intestate succession among the Hindus. This Act brought about changes in the Law of Succession and gave right which were till then unknown in relation to women's property. However, it does not interfere with special rights of those who are members of a Hindu Mitakshara Coparcenary except to provide rules of devolution of the interest of a deceased male in certain cases. The Act lays down a uniform and comprehensive system of inheritance and applies, inter alia to persons governed by the Mitakshara and Dayabhag Schools and also to those governed by Murumakkattayam. Aliyasantana and Nambudri Laws. After the enforcement of the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 equal rights are given to a daughter in the Hindu Mitakshara Coparcenary property as the sons have. The existing discrimination on the ground of gender which led to oppression and negation of a daughter's fundamental rights of equality guaranteed by the Constitution has been removed by giving her equal rights..
Table of Contents
The Hindu Succession Act, 1956
Part I
Chapter 1 : Preliminary
Chapter 2 : Intestate Succession
Chapter 2A : Succession By Survivorship
Chapter 3 : Testamentary Succession
Chapter 4 : Repeals
Part II
Chapter 1 : Bibliography of Hindu Succession Bill, 1954
Chapter 2 : General Principles of Inheritance
Chapter 3 : Hindu Succession Act and Implications of Income-Tax Law, Wealth Tax Law,
Estate Duty and Gift-Tax Laws
Chapter 4 : Effect of Hindu Succession Act, 1956, on Limited Rights of Females under
Mitkshara and Dayabhaga and its Implications Under The Income Tax Law
Chapter 5 : Effect of Hindu Succession Act, 1956, On Coparcenary and Rights of
Females and its Implication Under the Wealth Tax Act, 1957
Chapter 6 : Effect of Hindu Succession Act, 1956 Under the Gift-Tax Act, 1958
Chapter 7 : Effect of Hindu Succession Act, 1956, on Rights of Coparceners and Members of
Hindu Undivided Family and Its Implications Under the Estate Duty At, 1953
Appendix A : Hindu Disposition of Property Act, 1916
Appendix B : Hindu Inheritance (Removal of Disabilities) Act, 1928
Appendix C : The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1928
Appendix D : The Hindu Gains of Learning Act, 1930
Appendix E : The Hindu Women's Rights to Property Act, 1937
Appendix F : The Hindu Succession Bill, 1954
Chapter 1 : Preliminary
Chapter 2 : Intestate Succession
Chapter 3 : Testamentary Succession
Chapter 4 : Repeal
Appendix G : The Report of the Joint Committee of the Houses of Parliament on the
Hindu Succession Bill, 1954
Appendix H : Hindu Succession Bill, 1954 (As amended by the Joint Committee)
Chapter 1 : Preliminary
Chapter 2 : Intestate Succession
Chapter 3 : Testamentary Succession
Chapter 4 : Repeal
Appendix I : The Caste Disabilities Removal Act, 1850
Appendix J : The Hindu Widow's Remarriage Act, 1856
Appendix K : The Hindu Inheritance (Removal of Disabilities) ACt, 1928
Appendix L : The Hindu Law Inheritance (Amendment) Act, 1929
Appendix M : The Hindu Gains of Learning Act, 1930
Appendix N : The Kerala Joint Hindu Family System (Abolition) Act, 1975
Appendix O
Author Details
Srinivasan : Revised under the Guidance of Comiled under the Guidance of the