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Sports Law

Sports Law

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This book represents a journey in itself- a discovery of my dreams and working towards that goal. It revolves around the draft National Sports Development Bill, 2011 but seeks to throw light on the very essence of sports law as it were. The purpose behind the book is to acquaint the reader with the field of sports law that is still in its nascent stages, especially in India. Like several other legislations, the draft Bill also had its pros and cons and an attempt has been made to deal with the same, with a balanced perspective. With the help of case laws and doctrines, the theoretical aspects of issues in sports law have been discussed. Research done by authors in the past as well as studies conducted were useful in streamlining ideas and facilitated understanding. A series of interviews of coaches, players and other stakeholders in the field of sports also aided in arriving at some of the findings in the book. All in all, the purpose of the book is to bring to light the significance of sports and how its intermingling with law may be used to give impetus to the interests of all those involved in the sport.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.  Meaning of the Topic
2. Significance of the Topic
Chapter 2 Sports And The Law
Part 1 Sports-Meaning And Significance
Part II Debates On Sports Law
Chapters 3 Sports Law - The International
Scenario And The Indian Perspective
Part I International Sports Law
Part H Sports Law In India
Chapter 4 The National Sports Development Bill, 2011
Part I The Bill - A Study Of The Background And Key Provisions
Part II Major Drawbacks In The Bill
Part III Arguments In Opposition To The Bill
Chapter 5 Conclusions And Suggestions
Annexure I
Annexure II
1. The National Sports Development Act, 2011
2. The Constitution of India (Relevant Provisions)
3. 61st Constitutional Amendment Bill, 1988 (Relevant Provisions)
4.  All India Tennis Association Rules
5.  Europe's Sports Charter, 1993 (Relevant Provisions)
6. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (United States) (Relevant Provisions)
7.  Sherman Act (1890) (Relevant Provisions)
8.  UNESCO-International Charter of Physical Education and Sport (Relevant Provisions)
9.  Olympic Charter (Fundamental Principles of Olympism)
10.  International Covenant On Economic, Social And Cultural Rights
      (ICESCR (Relevant Provisions)
11.  Convention On The Elimination Of All Forms Of Discrimination Against
        Women (CEDAW) (Relevant Provisions)
12.  European Sport For All Charter (Officially Adopted On September 24, 19/ (Relevant Provisions)
13.  International Convention Against Apartheid In Sports, 1985 (Relevant Provisions)
14.  Kerala Sports Act, 2000 (Relevant Provisions)
15.  Income Tax Act, 1961 (Relevant Provisions)
16.  Arms Act, 1959 - Notification By Central Government On February 9, 2012
       (Notification No. 95 (RE-2010)/2009-2014)
17.  Competition Act, 2002 (Relevant Provisions)
18.  Rajya Sabha Debate, Bill To Include Sports In Concurrent List, Session No. 217, July 30, 2009
19.  Rajya Sabha Debate, Reforms By Sports Federations, Session No. 193, August 31, 2001
20.  Rajya Sabha Debate, Introduction Of Sports Bill, Session No. 224, December 8, 2011
21.  UN Resolution
22.  52nd Plenary Meeting
23.  Report Of The Working Group On Sports And Physical Education For 12th
       Five-Year Plan (2012-17) (Oct. 2011), Government Of India, MYAS And
       The Department Of Sports
24.  Government Of India (Allocation Of Business Rules), 1961
25.  97TH Report Of The Parliament Of India, Rajya Sabha Committee On
       Papers Laid On The Table Regarding Sports Authority Of India, New Delhi;
       Hindustan Antibiotics Limited, Pune And Indian Drugs And Pharmaceuticals
       Limited, Gurgaon Presented To The House On May 13, 2005   (Relevant Provisions)
26.  Article 6.3(D) Of The FIH Statute (Relevant Provisions)
27.  The Government Of India (MYAS) Letter No. F.32-18/2009-SP. Ill Dated
        25th November, 2009 To Prevent Age Fraud
28.  The Central Civil Services (CCS) (Conduct) Rules, 1964 (Relevant Provisions)
29. Administration Costs At The Court Of Arbitration For Sport (CAS)
30.  The Right To Information Act, 2005 (Relevant Provisions)
31.  ICC Anti-Corruption Code For Participants (Relevant Provisions)
32. United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime
       (UNTOC) (Relevant Provisions)
33.  Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Relevant Provisions)
34. The Prevention Of Corruption Act, 1988 (Relevant Provisions)
35.  Delhi Public Gambling Act, 1955 (Relevant Provisions)
36.  FIFA Statutes, July 2012 (Relevant Provisions)
37.  Procedure Of The Lok Sabha (Relevant Provisions)
Author Details

Anujaya Krishna, has been a sports aficionado for long. She graduated from National Law Institute University, Bhopal, completing the B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) course. Ever since school days, she was a keen follower of cricket. She also follows other sports, tennis and football being among them. When she came to law school, she found a way to integrate her passion for sport with her love for writing, and work for the welfare of sports by strengthening it through law.

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