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A Guide to Sociology (An Invitation to Sociology)

A Guide to Sociology (An Invitation to Sociology)

  • ₹350.00

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  • Author(s): Shruthi Prabhakar
  • Publisher: MPP House
  • Edition: 1 Ed Rp 2025
  • Approx. Pages 210 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)


At the outset let me congratulate Shruthi Prabhakar for her hardwork and passion towards publishing her first book.
Sociology is the study of society. It helps us understand the way a society functions; the way it grows and the way it reacts to various circumstances. Law originates from the society and is applied to the society, and its ramifications are felt within every society.
Society and Law are interlinked in a way that it should be the priority of every budding lawyer to delve deep and understand the nuances and the complexities that make this duo. Understanding the fundamental blocks of what makes a society will enable the lawyer to appropriately decipher the application of law.
The author has made every endeavour to ensure she covers the complex concepts in sociology in a way that is most systematic and easy to apprehend. The concepts have been explained very lucidly along with examples keeping in mind the target audience.
The author has referred several books that are prescribed by KSLU and has thereafter been successful in collating the plethora of information into this single book, in her own unique and intelligible style. She has Successfully endeavoured in covering the syllabus provided by KSLU. This book titled "Invitation to Sociology" would be a useful source of Information for the first year B.A. LL.B. students to learn the basic Concepts in sociology and serve as a ready beginner's route-map to the world of sociology.
Table of Contents
Unit 1 Nature and Scope of Sociology

Chapter 1 Nature, Scope and Importance of Sociology
Chapter 2 Theories of Society or Sociological Perspectives
Chapter 3 Sociology and Other Social Sciences
Unit 2 Basic Concepts In Sociology
Chapter 1. Society
Chapter 2. Association
Chapter 3. Community
Chapter 4. Social Groups
Chapter 5. Culture
Chapter 6. Social Norms And Values
Chapter 7. Socialization
Chapter 8. Social Structure
Chapter 9 Role And Status.
Unit-3: Social Institutions
Chapter 1. Family
Chapter 2. Education
Chapter 3. Economic System
Chapter 4. Religion
Chapter 5. State
Unit 4 Regulative Mechanism Of Society
Chapter 1. Social Conformity And Deviance
Chapter - 2 Social Control
Unit 5 Social Change And Development
Chapter 1. Social Change
Chapter 2. Evolution, Progress And Development
Chapter 3. Developmental Perspectives
Chapter 4. Theories Of Development And Underdevelopment
University Question Papers.
Author Details
Shruthi Prabhakar

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