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Sixth Schedule to the Constitution

Sixth Schedule to the Constitution

  • ₹1,999.00

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  • Author(s): Justice B.L. Hansaria, Vijay Hansaria
  • Publisher: Mohan Law House
  • Edition: 5 Ed 2023
  • ISBN 13 9788195609925
  • Approx. Pages 1036 + Contents
  • Format Hardbound
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

Sixth Schedule to the Constitution was engrafted in the Constitution with two primary objectives in mind, firstly, to grant recognition to the laws and the customary practices of the tribal people in the greater Assam and, secondly, assimilation with the mainstream of the country. The Autonomous District Councils were constituted as a mode of self governance at the grass root level in the tribal areas of Assam and were conferred legislative, executive and judicial powers. However, the laws applicable and the system of administration of justice were not documented systematically; thus, the original author of the book late Justice B.L. Hansaria "seized with the idea that the work of knitting them together may be a humble contribution to the study of this branch of the subject." The first edition of the book was published in 1983, with the encouragement and guidance of the legal luminaries of the Gauhati High Court including Mr. N.M. Lahiri, the then Advocate General Meghalaya, Chief Justice D. Pathak, Justice K.M. Lahiri, amongst The second edition of the book was published by me in 2005, after 22 years, as during the interregnum period, there had been many amendments to the Sixth Schedule and the Supreme Court and the Gauhati High Court rendered many authoritative pronouncements. In the said work, I was assisted by Justice Sanjay Kumar Medhi, presently a judge of Gauhati High Court and also by Mr. Dhrupad Kashyap Das, presently District and Sessions Judge in Assam. Both of them were my chamber associates and I could bring out the second edition due to their hard work.
Chapter - I Historical Backgrounds
Chapter - II Framing of the Sixth Schedule
Chapter - III Amendments of the Schedule
Chapter - IV Constitutional Provisions Relevant to North Eastern States
Chapter - V Analysis of Paragraphs
Chapter - VI Role of the Governor, President and State Legislature
Chapter - VII Position in Seven Sister State
Chapter - VIII The Khasi States and Shillong Municipality
Chapter - IX Gorkhaland
Appendices on Chronoligical Order
List of Statutes
Table of cases

Author Details
B.L. Hansaria was a gold medalist from fta University and M.Sc. from London School of Economics. He served on the Bench for 25 years from 1971 till 1996 as District Judge, Judge of the Gauhati High Court, Chief Justice of Orissa High Court and as Judge of the Supreme Court While on the bench, Justice Hansaria delivered many landmark judgments which include judgments on press censorship, imposition of President's Rule, the starvation deaths in Kalahandi (Orissa), rights of working women, rights of fishermen, abolition of child labour, recognition of Sanskrit Language, directions to pay exemplary damages due to misfeasance in public office and maintaining of ecological balance.
Vijay Hansaria, son of Late Justice Hansaria is a Senior Advocate in the Supreme Court. He was enrolled as an Advocate in 1980 and became Advocate-on-Record in 1985 and in 2002 he was designated as Senior Advocate by the Supreme Court. He was the Vice President of the Supreme Court Bar Association in 2004-05. He was the member of National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) from 2013 to 2015.
Mr, Hansaria has revised Justice Hansaria's book on 'Writ Jurisdiction' which was released in the Supreme Court premises on the Law Day and has been received well by the readers. Mr, Hansaria also edited a working manual on Juvenile Justice System in India.

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