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Sixteen Stormy Days (The Story of the First Amendment to the Constitution of India)

Sixteen Stormy Days (The Story of the First Amendment to the Constitution of India)

  • ₹399.00

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  • Author(s): Tripurdaman Singh
  • Publisher: Penguin Books
  • Edition: 1 Ed 2020
  • ISBN 13 9780143454731
  • Approx. Pages 276 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 21 x 14 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

'Somehow, we have found that this magnificent constitution that we had framed was later kidnapped and purloined by lawyers,' thundered Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru as he moved the Constitution (First Amendment) Bill to be referred to a standing committee in Parliament on 16 May 1951.' Fundamental rights, individual liberty and freedom had been the dominating ideas of the nineteenth century, he declared, relics of a static age trying to preserve existing social relationships and social inequalities. These ideas were now passé, overtaken by the bigger and better ideas of the twentieth century, dynamic ideas of social reform and social engineering, enshrined in the Directive Principles of State Policy as guidelines for the newly independent state, and embodied in the grand programmes of the Congress party.2
Table of Contents
1. The Build-up
2. Will the People Wait?
3. The Deepening Crisis
4. The Gathering Storm
5. The Clouds Burst
6. The Battle Rages
7. The Aftermath
Author Details
Tripurdaman Singh

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