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Risk Management (CAIIB Exams.)

Risk Management (CAIIB Exams.)

  • ₹220.00

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  • Author(s): IIBF
  • Publisher: Macmillan India Ltd
  • Edition: Ed Rp 2008
  • ISBN 13 9781403926661
  • Approx. Pages 345 + contents
  • Format Paperback


Risk management has assumed paramount importance amongst banks in order to protect them against the adverse effects of uncertainty caused by fluctuations in interest rates, exchange rates, etc. The advent of new financial instruments in the Indian banking market has added a new dimension to the identification, measurement, management and mitigation of risks. This book explains the fundamental concepts that underpin financial risk management and asset liability management It provides an in-depth look at many aspects of financial risks including market, credit, liquidity and operational risks. The book also has modules on capital management in the light of Basel 11 and profitability strategies to improve the bottom line of banks.
Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (formerly The Indian Institute of Bankers) was established in 1928. With a membership of over 750 institutional members and over 2.5 lac individual members, it is the largest institute of its kind in the world and is working with a mission "to develop professionally qualified and competent bonkers and finance professionals primarily through a process of education, training, examination consultancy/counseling and continuing professional development programs".
The Institute has almost all the banks and financial institutions - public sector, private sector, foreign, cooperative, regional rural banks - as members in addition to IT companies and individuals working in the banking and finance industry. The Institute offers a number of professional courses in banking and finance and is managed by a Governing Council consisting of Chairmen of different banks and eminent academicians.
The Institute has collaborations with reputed international bodies like Canadian Institute of Bankers; Securities Institute, Australia; World Bank Institute, Washington; American Bankers' Association and Asian Institute of Management, Manila; and IIMs/XLRl, India for offering courses and CPD programmes to finance professionals.
Module A - Asset Liability Management

1.    Components of Assets and Liabilities in Bank's Balance Sheet and their
2.    Liquidity Management
3.    Interest Rate Risk Management
4.    Management of Exchange Risk
5.    RBI Guidelines
Module B - Risk Management
6.    Risk and Banking Business
7.    Risk Regulations in Banking Industry
8.    Market Risk
9.    Credit Risk
10.  Operational Risk
Module C - Treasury Management
11.  Introduction to Treasury Management
12.  Treasury Products
13.  Funding and Regulatory Aspects
14.  Treasury Risk Management
15.  Derivative Products
16.  Treasury and Asset-Liability Management
Module D - Capital Management and Profit Planning
17.  Capital Adequacy - The Basel II Overview
18.  Pillar 1 - Capital Charge for Credit Risk
19.  Pillar 1 - Capital Charge for Market Risk and Operational Risk
20.  Pillars 2 & 3 - Supervisory Review and Market Discipline
21.  Asset Classification and Provisioning Norms
22.  Profit Planning

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