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Real Estate Deals

Real Estate Deals

  • ₹1,575.00

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  • Author(s): Narayan Laxmanrao
  • Publisher: Asia Law House
  • Edition: 2 Ed 2020
  • ISBN 13 9789389286328
  • Approx. Pages 1040 + Contents
  • Format Hardbound
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

Title Investigation
● Transfer of Property
● Contracts for sale of Property
● Documentation
● Registration & Stamp duty
● Specific Performance
● Cancellation and Rectification of Agreements & Documents
● Real Estate Act, 2016

Disquieting is the fact that, the said chaos cannot be ruled out as strategic. It may be possible that as a matter of policy, the law makers never wanted that the real estate Industry should be regulated by effective legal frame work, simply for the reason of politicians having close nexus with Builders lobby. As a matter of fact, most of the builders are politicians. That at last, the Government took the initiative in the year 2016, to regulate the real estate sector and passed the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016. The object of the Act is to establish a progressive real estate regulatory mechanism, infuse the trust between the property buyers and consumers and to curb all kinds of malpractices which some builders used to practice, and ensure the transparency in property transaction, bring the quality in construction and achieve the object of affordable housing. The initiative by the Government to enact said Act is adorable. However, the fact remains that the nexus between the builders, politicians and the underworld is deeply rooted in the system. It is the question of their survival as well. Therefore, it is quite obvious that they try their level best to see that the regulatory mechanism should
not take the shape and they put all their efforts to scuttle the regulatory mechanism. Inspite of the said stumbling block, pragmatic perception is that, in coming years the real estate regulatory mechanism established by the RERA Act, would succeed in achieving it's object. That with the evolution and advancement of societies, the property law is also evolving. Therefore, future would witness frequent changes in the real estate law in tune with the need of the hour.
1. Title Investigation
2. Agreement For Sale: Preparation, Construction & Cancellation
3. Specific Performance of Agreement for Sale.
4. Sale of Immovable Property: Sale Deed: Preparation,
Rectification, Cancellation & Law Governing Transfer
of Immovable Property
5. Hindu Property
6. Mortgages
7. Lease
8. Gift
9. Law relating to Power of Attorney
10. Contract for Reconveyance of Property
11. Disposition of Property by Instrument of Settlement
12. Disposition of Property by 'Will'
13. Development Agreement
14. Deeds: Preparation, Construction, Proof, Rectification and Cancellation
15. Registration of Documents
16. Stamp Duty on Documents
17. Model Deeds
Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016
1. The Transfer of Property Act, 1882
2. The Specific Relief Act, 1963
Subject Index
Author Details
Narayan Laxmanrao is a practicing lawyer. He is the Author of several law books of high standard and repute like Commentary on the Civil Procedure Code, Real Estate Deals, Assigned Lands, Inam Lands, Injunction to Protect Possession and Unauthorized Construction, Anticipatory Bail and Dishonour of Cheques, Stay Orders in Government Orders, Policy Decisions, Rules, Regulations, Circulars, Notifications. He had been felicitated by the Judges of the Andhra Pradesh High Court and the Bar Association of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh for his said contribution in the field of law. The Author is also felicitated by Hon'ble Minister of State of Andhra Pradesh in a function held at Ravindra Bharathi. He is also a Forensic Analyst.

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