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Public International Law - A Primer

Public International Law - A Primer

  • ₹375.00

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  • Author(s): Jai Kanade, Vishal Kanade
  • Publisher: LexisNexis
  • Edition: 1 Ed 2013
  • ISBN 13 9789351430056
  • Approx. Pages 442 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days


This is a basic, introductory book on public international law. The purpose of this book is to elucidate the subject to the readers who are novices to the field of public international law. The exposition is replete with illustrations and case law in order to make the subject interesting and also to help readers understand the conceptually difficult topics. The book is student-friendly. The language is lucid and all the chapters have been presented in a structured manner which would help students prepare for their examinations.
Part  1    -    Introduction to International Law

1.    Meaning, Scope and Characteristics of public International Law
2.    Evolution of International Law: Ancient Age to Medieval Age: Age of Naturalism
3.    Evolution of International Law:  Late Renaissance Period to Modern Period: Age of Positivism
Part  2    -    Sources of International Law
1.    Introduction to Sources of International Law
2.    International Customs
3.    International Conventions
4.    General Principles of Law Recognized by Civilised Nation
5.    Subsidiary Sources of International Law
6.    Soft Sources of International Law
Part  3    -    Municipal Law and International Law
1.    Theories on Relationship between Municipal Law and International Law
2.    Practice on Relationship between Municipal Law and International Law
3.    Practice on Relationship between Municipal Law and International Law
Part  4    -    States Under International Law
1.    Introduction to States
2.    Recognition of States and Governments
3.    Continuation and Extinction of States
4.    Succession of States
5.    States as Subjects of International Law
6.    Types of States and other International Entities
Part  5    -    Territory Under International Law
1.    Introduction to Various Territorial Regimes under International Law
2.    State Territory, Modes of Territorial Acquisition and Loss of Territory
3.    Evidentiary Rules Concerning Territorial Acquisition 
4.    Important International Doctrines Concerning Territory and Boundary Disputes
Part  6    -    State Jurisdiction Under International Law
1.    Introduction to State Jurisdiction and Types of State Jurisdiction
2.    Important International Doctrines on State Jurisdiction
Part  7    -    Sovereign and Diplomatic Immunity Under International Law
1.    Introduction to Principles of Immunity
2.    Doctrine of Absolute State Immunity and Doctrine of Restrictive State Immunity
3.    Other Aspects of State Immunity
4.    State Practice and International Conventions on State Immunity
5.    Diplomatic Immunity
Part  8    -    United Nations
1.    International Organisations as Subject of International Law
2.    Establishment of United Nations and United Nations Charter
3.    United Nations General Assembly
4.    United Nations Security Council
5.    Other Organs of United Nations and Specialised Agencies
6.    International Court of Justice
Part  9    -    The Law of the Treaties
1.    Introduction to the Law of the Treaties
2.    Treaty - Making Process
3.    Reservation to the Treaties
4.    Application and Effects of Treaties
5.    Invalidity, Termination and Suspension of the Treaties
6.    International Law and Doctrine of Jus Cogens
7.    Interpretation of Statutes
Part  10  -    The Law of the Sea
1.    Introduction
2.    Overview of Maritime Zones
3.    Baselines
4.    Internal and Archipelagic waters
5.    Territorial Sea
6.    Contiguous Zones and Exclusive Economic Zones
7.    Continental Shelf
8.    High Seas
9.    Other Regimes
Part  11  -    State Responsibilitya
1.    Introduction to State Responsibility
2.    Internationally Wrongful Acts of States
3.    Consequences of Internationally Wrongful  Act
4.    Treatment of Aliens
5.    Expropriation of Foreign Property

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