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Public Gambling Act, 1867

Public Gambling Act, 1867

  • ₹30.00

In Stock
  • Author(s): Bare Act
  • Edition: Current Year
  • Approx. Pages 20 + contents
  • Format Paperback

Public Gambling Act, 1867
1.    Interpretation clause
2.    Power to extend Act
3.    Penalty for owning or keeping or having charge of a gaming-house
4.    Penalty for being found in gaming-house
5.    Powers to enter and authorise police to enter and search
6.    Finding cards, etc., in suspected houses, to be evidence that such
       houses are common gaming-houses
7.    Penalty on persons arrested for giving false names and addresses .
8.    On conviction for keeping a gaming-house, instruments of gaming to be destroyed
9.    Proof of playing for stakes unnecessary
10.  Magistrate may require any person, apprehended to be sworn and give evidence
11.   Witnesses indemnified
12.   Act not to apply to certain games
13.   Gaming and setting birds and animals to fight in public streets   
14.   Offences by whom triable
15.   Penalty for subsequent offence
16.   Portion of fine may be paid to informer
17.   Recovery and application of fines
18.   [Repealed]

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