- Author(s): Rajesh Gupta, Dr. Gunjan Gupta, Ayesha Gupta
- Publisher: Vinod Publications (P) Ltd.
- Edition: Median Ed 2019
- ISBN 13 9788194006206
- Approx. Pages 882 + Contents
- Format Hardbound
- Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
- Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)
He who holds hand of the next to him while climbing will go to Him; and if not, to Satan: And he, who betrays or abrade [h]im, will hang in-between, endlessly! Relations are made in the heaven, be they agreeable to this world or that: And he who later disowns or maligns her, how shall he face Him in that (world)! He who portrays charity outside for purported spiritual gain or gifts strangers for earning name at the cost of his own family, such virtue is deceit to [H]im: And such conduct may though make this world heaven for him and hell for them, but surely hell for him in the next.
Mass disposal of cases by shunting aggrieved litigants from one court to another
Various High Courts in a spate of expeditious mass disposal of pending cases or for other reasons take the task of interpretation of their own jurisdiction under distinctive heads in the nature of writ jurisdiction, revisional jurisdiction, appellate jurisdiction, inherent powers and so on- and dismiss pending petitions on hyper-technical grounds saying that petition under consideration before them ought to have been filed under a different jurisdiction. If they direct the registry to register under the head as in their opinion it ought to have been or treat the same as the one they think would serve the purpose, we would not have had any problem. Outright dismissal makes us think the purpose they are seeking to achieve, which in the opinion of the present authors is none except to target thousands of pending cases with one techno-alien arrow which earlier was unknown in the field of socio-legal justice.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 : Preliminary
Chapter 2 : Domestic Violence
Chapter 3 : Powers and Duties of Protection Officers, Service Providers, ETC
Chapter 4 : Procedure for Obtaining Orders of Reliefs
Chapter 5 : Micellaneous
The Jammu & Kashmir Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2010
The Jammu & Kashmir Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Rules, 2011
The Punjab (Province of Pakistan) Protection of Women Against Violence Act, 2016
Australia Capital Territory Family Violence Act, 2016
The Bengladesh Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act, 2010
Japanese Act on the Prevention of Spousal Violence and the Protection of Victims
Malaysia Domestic Violence Act, 1994
Malaysia Domestic Violence (Amendment) Act, 2017
Mauritius Protection from Domestic Violence Act
Mauritius Protection from Domestic Violence (Amendment) Act, 2016
Nepal Domestic Violence (Offence and Punishment) Act, 2006 (2009)
Islamabad Capital Territory Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill, 2012
South Africa Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998
Sri Lanka Prevention of Domestic Violence
Zimbabwe Domestic Violence Act
Maldives Domestic Violence Act
UK Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act, 2004
Author Details
Dr. Rajesh Gupta completed his degree of Y doctorate in law from the Faculty of Law, University of Delhi and is practicing as a lawyer for the last about three long decades. Besides various academic distinctions, Dr. Gupta is having to his credit more than 200 articles and write- ups published in law journals of high repute and has authored various established law books meant for legal practitioners.
Prof. (Dr.) Gunjan Gupta is a Professor of Law, Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi and is having to her credit teaching experience of about 25 years in the field of law in the same College.
Ms. Ayesha Gupta graduated in the field of law from Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi and is likely to complete her research degree of LL.M. from the same Faculty of Law anytime.