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Professional Ethics Accounting System (NOTES / GUIDE BOOKS)

Professional Ethics Accounting System (NOTES / GUIDE BOOKS)

  • ₹400.00

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  • Author(s): R.D. Vijayasekhar
  • Publisher: Vijay Law Series
  • Edition: 8 Ed 2022
  • Approx. Pages 266 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

Short Notes, Essay Type Answers, Solved Problems, Recent Cases, Glossary, Important Questions
Professional ethics encompass the personal, organizational and corporate standards of behaviour expected of professionals. Lawyers exercise specialist knowledge and skill. The use of this knowledge should be governed when providing a service to the public can be considered a moral issue and is termed professional ethics. Ethical standards to be adhered to by members of the Bar whether practicing individually or as a law firm and whether engaged in litigation or transactional or corporate work. Lawyer shall at all times comport himself in a manner befitting the high standards of the Indian Bar and the Court. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing obligation, an advocate shall fearlessly uphold the interests of his/her client and in his/her conduct, conform to the ethical code and rules both in letter and in spirit. The lawyer is expected to understand the financial and accounting aspects relating the legal profession. The lawyer must be versed in and mindful of accounting principles and procedures in the practice of law. The distinct, but complementary, roles of the accountant and the attorney must be recognized and are vital to our commercial life.
Chapter   1 : Legal Professional in India
Chapter   2 : Admission and Enrolment of Advocates
Chapter   3 : Elements of Advocacy
Chapter   4 : Professional Ethics for Advocates
Chapter   5 : Bar Councils
Chapter   6 : Legal Aid
Chapter   7 : Disciplinary Proceedings
Chapter   8 : Bar-Bench Relations
Chapter   9 : Contempt of Court
Chapter 10 : Accountancy for Lawyers
Chapter 11 : Selected Judgments on Professional Ethics
Short Notes Index
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Author Details
R.D. Vijayasekhar

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