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Production and Impounding of Documents

Production and Impounding of Documents

  • ₹750.00

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  • Author(s): Harish Mathur
  • Publisher: Asia Law House
  • Edition: 3 Ed 2023
  • Approx. Pages 294 + Contents
  • Format Hardbound
  • Approx. Product Size 21 x 14 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

Ex facie, unless a document is produced before a court of law or an authority, the question of its impounding, for whatever reason, does not arise. Therefore,  though the principal subject- matter of this book is 'Impounding of Documents,' the law relating to production of documents in legal proceedings is dealt with as preamble to the said subject-matter. Thus, the entire Part-I is dedicated to this aspect. Impounding of documents is a serious business, inasmuch as, when  a document which is unstamped or insufficiently or improperly stamped is impounded, further course of action follows under the Stamp Acts, if a  document which has emerged and come into existence as a result of fraud or forgery is impounded, then proceedings under criminal law ensues. In the  former case, who is liable was a question that was taking rounds for some time. In the latter case, however, there cannot be any doubt that the person who  produces a forged document will be proceeded against. The object of this book is to portray the entire gamut of the law and the intricacies as to, when documentary evidence has to be produced in a legal proceeding, admission of such evidence, the stages involved therein and the effect thereof, loss of such documents from court records and its effect, effect of stamping documents with stamps of improper description, effect of impounding of documents in legal proceedings in which they were produced, and so on and so forth. Present edition is necessitated by the precedential additions that have occurred during the span of eight years from the date of the publication of earlier edition of this book. Eversince the previous edition, the law has changed both by legislative as  well as interpretative process. Hence the present edition. I thank all the readers who encouraged my earlier books on diverse subject-matters and I also hope that my esteem readers would receive this book also with same warmth. Finally, I thank Mr. Sri. Surendra Kumar Bhati, Wordsworth Publications India, Bangalore, for his encouragement and assistance. I wish him good luck.
Table of Contents
Part - I   Production of Documents
Chapter-I       Introduction
Chapter II      Admission of Documents in Evidence
Chapter III     Objection to Admissibility of Documents
Chapter IV     Proof
Part - II  Impounding of Documents
Chapter V     Introduction
Chapter VI    Production of Documents
Chapter VII   Admissibility of Unstamped or Insufficiently
                       Stamped Documents
Chapter VIII  Collateral Purpose
Chapter IX    Miscellaneous
Appendix - I  Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
Appendix - II Indian Evidence Act, 1872
Appendix - III Indian Stamp Act, 1899
Author Details
Harish Mathur

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