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Privy Council Judgments on Indian Cases Prior to 1836

Privy Council Judgments on Indian Cases Prior to 1836

  • ₹450.00

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  • Author(s): Tapas Kumar Banerjee
  • Publisher: R. Cambray & Co. Pvt. Ltd
  • Edition: 1 Ed 2009
  • Approx. Pages 332 + Contents
  • Format Hardbound
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)


The connection between India and England started in 1600 AD when Queen Elizabeth I granted a Charter to the East India Company to carry on trade in the East Indies. The connection between Privy Council and India started from 1657 when a Committee of the Privy Council was set up called "the Committee for the business and trade". This Committee was empowered to entertain appeals from foreign plantations, as they were called. In this description the East India Company was apparently included, but to what extent, if at all, Indians availed themselves of the right of appeal is not recorded. Eventually the Privy Council, the ultimate Appellate Court for India, as a part of the British Empire. The tie between India and the Privy Council lasted for about 300 years. As per the Privy Council records the earliest appeal from India to the Privy Council was in 1791 and the last appeal was in 1949. During this period the Privy Council decided about 2500 cases from India.
Systematic reporting of the Privy Council Judgments started from Moore's Indian Appeals which covered the period from 1836 to 1872. Thereafter Indian Appeals were started and it covered the period upto 1950 when the tie between Privy Council and India was snapped. Most of the Privy Council judgments on Indian cases are reported in these two Law Reports.
There are certain decisions of the Privy Council on cases brought from India which were reported in Stray Shortlived Law Reports which are not available but many of which are included in the English Reports. Thus an English Barrister Mr. Knapp published a Law Report between 1829 and 1836 which is known as Knapp's Privy Council Appeal Cases and cited as Kn., Kn.K.C., Kn.P.C., Kn. & Moo., Knapp. and Knapp P.C.C. These reports have been included in Volume 12 of the English Reports. There was another English Barrister Mr. E.F. Moore who published a Law Report including Privy Council Judgments and the said report was published between 1836 and 1862. These reports are included in volume 12 to 15 of the English Reports. The citation of these reports is Moo. There is another series of Law Reports known as Moore's Privy Council cases, new series, which covered a period between 1862 and 1873. This series is included in volume 15 to 17 of the English Reports.
Table of Contents
Capture of Chinsurah
In the Justice of The Supreme Court of Judicature
Ramtonoo Mullick, Ramconnai Mullick and Others v Ramgopal Mullick and Amrutton Mullick.
Lewis Owen Edwards v Howard Ronald, George Dickson and Thomas Learmouth
The Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone and Henry Dundas Robertson v Heerachund Bedreechund, and Jelmel Anoopchund, Executor of Ammerchund Berdachund
Luximon Row Sadasew u Mullar Row Bajee
Case of the Army of the Deccan
Raja Haimum Chull Singh v Koomer Gunsheam Sing
George James Gordon, Executor of Futteh Yab Khan v Khaujesh Abu Moohummud Khan and Others
Gopee Mohun Takoor and Others v Rajah Radhanat
The Bank of Bengal v The East India Company
Baboo Benee Suhaee and Baboo Madho Suhaee
Children of Mussummaut Seetul Bahoo, by their Guardian, Ramchurn Lal v Bahoo Hurkishen Doss
Raja Row Vencata Niladry Row v Enoogoonty Sooriah and Ramaniah
Baboo Ulruck Singh, Son of Roop Singh v Beny Persad, Son of Seeta Ram Bahoo
Sootrugun Sutputty v Sabitra Dye
Raja Row Vencata Niladry Row u Vutchavoy Vencataputty Raz
Sumboochunder Chowdry, Son of Shamchunder Chowdry and Rooderchunder Chowdry v Naraini Dibeh and Ramkishor
Pooneakhoty Moodeliar v The King
Rajundernarain Rae and Coowor Mohundernarain Rae, the Two Surviving Sons and Representatives of Rajar Sreenarain Rae, Deceased v Bijai Govind Singh, Son and Representatives of Bhya Jha, Deceased
The Queen, on the Prosecution of the Bombay Government, against Samuel Stephenson, Alloo Paroo, and others
In Re William Patrick Gran
Ramchurn Mullick v Luchmeechund Radakissen and Gobind Doss
Peter Clarkson Reed v Sreemutty Gourmoney Dasee
The Secretary of State in Council of India v Kamachee Boye Sahaba
Ko Khine and Others v Richard Snadden
Ex Parte Kisto Nauth Roy, in the matter of Mussumat Ranee Surno Moyee u Shooshee Mokhee Burmonia and Others
Mussumat Fanny Barlow u Sophia Eveline Orde and Others
Author Details
Tapas Kumar Banerjeee

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