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An Introduction to Political Theory

An Introduction to Political Theory

  • ₹550.00

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  • Author(s): O.P. Gauba
  • Publisher: National Paperbacks
  • Edition: 9 Ed 2021 Rp 2023
  • ISBN 13 9789388658331
  • Approx. Pages 694 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)
The present book An Introduction to Political Theory has been in circulation since 1981. In the meantime, its contents were revised, enlarged and upgraded, and its style of presentation was improved to make it reader-friendly and richer in content. The author is grateful to the academic community whose more than one generations have accepted and encouraged this modest attempt.
The purpose of this introductory work is to examine the major issues of the ever-expanding field of political theory from various reference points including liberal, libertarian, Marxist, neo-Marxist, communitarian, elitist, pluralist, socialist, social-democratic, moralist, ecological, Gandhian, feminist and subaltern perspectives. The issues examined here include the nature and significance of political theory, concept of ideology with a short description of major ideologies (liberalism, Marxism, socialism, fascism, anarchism, Gandhism and feminism), nature of politics and various approaches to its study such as empirical, normative, behavioral, post-behavioral as well as interdisciplinary approach, concepts of state and sovereignty, imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, impact of globalization, grounds and limits of political obligation, various dimensions of law, power, citizenship, human rights, liberty, equality, justice, common good, democracy, development, Tinder-development, sustainable development and political development,; etc.
Chapter 1.  Nature and Significance of Political Theory
Chapter 2.  Concept of Ideology
Chapter 3.  Nature of Politics
Chapter 4.  Approaches to the Study of Politics
Chapter 5.  Interdisciplinary Perspective on Political Science
Chapter 6.  Concept of the State 
Chapter 7.  Concept of Sovereignty
Chapter 8.  Pluralist Theory of Sovereignty
Chapter 9.  Contemporary Challenges to Sovereignty
Chapter 10. Diverse Perspective on the State
Chapter 11. Ground and Limits of political Obligation
Chapter 12. Concept of Law
Chapter 13. Concept of Power
Chapter 14. Concept of Citizenship
Chapter 15. Concept of Human Rights
Chapter 16. Concept of Liberty
Chapter 17. Concept of Equality
Chapter 18. Right to Property
Chapter 19. Concept of Justice
Chapter 20. Diverse Perspective on Justice
Chapter 21. concept of the Common Good
Chapter 22. Concept of Democracy
Chapter 23. Contemporary Theory of Democracy
Chapter 24. Process of Social Change
Chapter 25. Concept of Development
Author Details
Dr. O.P.Gauba
Dr. O.P. Gauba studied at D.A.V. College, Dehradun and the University of Delhi. He obtained B.A. Degree in Literature and Philosophy, M.A. Degrees in Sociology and Political Science from Agra University, and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Delhi. He taught in the University of Delhi from 1967 to 2004. Presently he is fully devoted to academic u riling. His other important works include Western Political Thought, Indian Political Thought, Political Ideas and Ideologies, Contemporary Political Ideologies, Soda! and Political Philosophy, Reading Gandhi, Dimensions of Social Justice and Constitutionalism in a Changing Perspective, apart from a host of academic books and standard reference works in Hindi.

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