- Author(s): Gade Veera Reddy
- Publisher: Sujatha Law Books Pvt Ltd.
- Edition: Latest Edn.
- ISBN 10 8179720713
- Approx. Pages 254 + Contents
- Format Paperback
- Approx. Product Size 33 x 21 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
For LL.B., B.A. LL.B., B.B.A. LL.B, B.Com. LL.B., B.Sc. LL.B. etc.
Abundant and Excellent Job Opportunities in the UN Organization's Organs, Agencies and Developed Countries for Advocates, Doctors, Nurses, Engineers (Software & Hardware), Technicians, Etc. Previously, the Public International Law was taught as a subject/paper in the LL.B. Course up to 1990s. After the emergence of the United Nations on 24-01-1945, the UNO has been giving the importance to the Human Rights. After 2000, the Bar Council of India has included the Human Rights as the fifth unit along with the Public International Law. As the importance to the Human Rights and the volume of the International Conventions and the Domestic Law has grown up, the Bar Council of India has separated the Human Rights from the Public International Law, and has been prescribing these two subjects as the separate subjects/papers. In some of the Universities, including the Osmania University, the Human Rights, as a separate subject, is one of the options. Very few Universities still have been prescribing the Human Rights as the fifth unit along with the Public International Law.
Unit - I : The World Community
Unit - II : Components of the National Power, ETC.
Unit - III : Major Source of Conflicts, ETC.
Unit - IV : Avoidance of War and Facilitation of Peaceful Change
Unit - V : Inter Governmental Organizations and their Constituent Instruments
Author Details
Gade Veera Reddy, B.Sc., LL.B., M.A., (M.B.A)
(Recipient of 5 Medals in Law) (K.U)
Advocate High Court, Kothi, Hyderabad - 500095, T.S.