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Political Obligation

Political Obligation

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Man, once, was a 'social animal', but he evolved into a 'civilized and' and now he is a 'politico-economic man' in a 'welfare state'. State has its 'political obligation' and uses its 'authority' to implement the 'laws of land' with 'legitimacy'. This volume deals with all issues and theories related to the subject of 'political obligation'. No text-book writer can claim originality of thought as the topics have to be explained basing on the prescribed syllabus and references. The author humbly states that this text is prepared basing on the ^syllabus of the Bar Council of India and the syllabi of different universities. The author is grateful to the authors and publishers of the references. The author expresses his profound gratitude to Allahabad Law Agency for publishing this book in an attractive form. Suggestions from the readers for the improvement of this volume are welcome and will be gratefully acknowledged.
Unit I Foundation of Political Obligation
1. Political Obligation
2. Theories of Political Obligation (Theories Regarding the Obedience
    of Individual to the State of Law)
3. Conception of  Power
4. Conception of Authority
5. Conception of Legitimation
Unit II Legitimacy of Power: Classical and Modern Approaches
1. Classical Approaches of Thomas Hobbes Towards Political Obligation
2. Classical Approaches of John Locke Towards Political Obligation
3. Classical Approaches of Jean Jacques Towards Political Obligation
4. Thomas Hill Green’s Approach Towards Political Obligation
5. Modern Approach to Max Weber Towards Political Obligation
6. Modern Approach to Karl Marx Towards Political Obligation
7. Modern Approach to Emile Durkheim Towards Political Obligation
8.Approach of Harold Joseph Laski towards Political Obligation
Unit III Rule and Act Utilitarianism and Gandhisam of civil Disobedience
1. Political Obligation of  Utilitarianism
2. Rule Utilitarianism as Political Obligation of Jeremy Bentham
3. Rule Utilitarianism of John Stuart Mill
4 Act Utilitarianism as an approach to Political Obligation
5. Right  to Resistance
6. Henry David Thoreau on Civil Disobedience
7. T.H. Green on Right to Resist
8. The Problem of Gandhian civil Disobedience and Political Obligation
9. Political Obligation with Reference to Neo-Gandian thought
Unit IV Problem of Obedience to Unjust Laws and Promissory and Contractual Liability
1. Law and Justice
2. Just and Unjust Laws
3. Unjust Laws and revolution
4. The Problem of Obedience of unjust Laws
5. Foundation of  Promissory Liability
6. Foundation of  Contractual Liability
Unit V the Problem of Punishment
1. Punishment
2. Theories of Punishment
3. Sanctions and the Use of Force by the State
4. Contemporary Crisis of Legitimation of Legal System
5. Contemporary Crisis of Legitimacy of Law-making Institutions of Legislature
Annexure : Political Thinkers and Their Contributions
Author Details
Dr. S.R. Myneni, M.A., M.Ed., LL.M., Ph.D., P.G. Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication, P.G. Diploma in Econometrics, P.G. Diploma in Mathematics Ekadhika in Vedic Mathematicss, Rashtra Bhasha Praveena (Hindi) Diploma in Russian Language.

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