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O.Hood Philips and Jackson Constitutional and Administrative Law

O.Hood Philips and Jackson Constitutional and Administrative Law

  • ₹1,150.00

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O. Hood Phillips and Jackson: Constitutional and Administrative Law is widely recognised as the leading text and comprehensive guide to diis increasingly complex area of law. Since publication of the last edition in 1987, the area of public law has come under much scrutiny, leading to numerous developments which have fundamentally altered this country's constitutional and administrative make-up. This new edition has been extensively revised within the existing structure to include these changes and provide a contemporary survey of all aspects of public law in the United Kingdom.
It includes
•    Material on the devolution of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland incorporating
      the 1998 Devolution Statutes
•    Parliamentary procedure, privilege, electoral law, standards in public administration
      following the Nolan Report and reform of the House of Lords.
•    The Human Rights Act 1998 and its implications.
•    The Pinochet litigation.
Authoritative, comprehensive and clearly written, O. Hood Phillips and Jackson: Constitutional and Administrative Law is essential reading for law students, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and practitioners.
Part I : General Part
1. The Nature of Constitutional and Administrative Law
2. General Characteristics of the British Constitution
3. Parliamentary Suprmacy 1 : Historical and Nature
4. Parliamentary Supremacy II : Problem of Self- Limitation
5. Devolution and Regionalism
6. The United Kingdom and Europe
7. Constitutional Conventions
Part II : Parliament
8. The High Court of Parliament
9. The House of Lords
10. The House of Commons
11. Parliamentary Procedure
12. National Finance and Scrutiny of the Administration
13. Parliamentary Privilege
Part III : The Central Government
14. The Monarchy
15. The Royal Prerogative
16. The Privy Council
17. The Cabinet and The Prime Minister
18. Central Government Departments and Civil Service
19. The Armed Force : Emergencies : The Security Services and Terrorism
Part IV : Justice and Police
20. The Administration of Justice
21. The Police
Part V : Rights and Duties of the Individual

22. Rights and Duties Generally
23. Nationality, Citizenship, Immigration and Extradition
24. Freedom of Person and Property
25. Freedom of Expression
26. Freedom of Expression : Official Secrecy and the Right to Know
27. Freedom of Assembly and Association
Part VI : Administrative Law
28. Public Corporations and Regulatory Bodies
29. Delegated Legislation
30. Administrative Jurisdiction
31. Judicial Control of Public Authorities : I. Liability
32. Judicial Control of Public Authorities : II. Remedies
33. Crown Proceedings
34. Non- Judicial Remedies
Part IV : The Common Wealth
35. Dependent Territories
36. Independence Within the Common Wealth
37. Appeals to the Privy Council

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