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Nimmer on Copyright (11 Volume Set)

Nimmer on Copyright (11 Volume Set)

  • ₹24,995.00

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Cited in more court opinions than any other treatise on the subject of U.S. copyright law, Nimmer on copyi comprehensive insights into copyright protection in the digital age as well as exhaustive discussions of tn definitive work is a rich resource for the expert, as well as the practitioner with appeal to both the domes audience. The book is an easy-to-follow treatise containing:
•    In-depth, comprehensive insights into copyright protection in digital age with exhaustive
     discussions of copyright issues.   
•    Extensive analysis covering specific media such as printed works; plays and motion
     pictures; music; ar digital technological developments such as copyright protection
     system and the Internet
•    Interpretation of all provisions, of the copyright Act, text of aU relevant statutes,
     regulations, treaties ant and thorough cover age of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
•    Outstanding litigation forms provided by top intellectual property litigators and
     the state-of-the-art trans side-by-side commentary written by leading copyright
     law practitioners.

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