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Neither Roses nor Thorns

Neither Roses nor Thorns

  • ₹795.00

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  • Author(s): H.R. Khanna
  • Publisher: Eastern Book Company
  • Edition: 1 Ed Rp 2023
  • ISBN 13 9788119114115
  • Approx. Pages 218 + Contents
  • Format Hardbound
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

In his forthright autobiography, Justice Khanna, lays bare the influences that shaped his life and made him the great man that he is. The individual faiths and principles versus the circumstantial forces or situations' pulls and pressings, is the theme of the story of Justice Khanna's life that is depicted in the book. An outstanding judge and jurist, an undaunted man of conviction and independent views, Justice Khanna's life is one for every Indian to emulate today, and his autobiography for every Indian to read. The book is a witness to many epoch making judgments he rendered during his 25 silvery years of judicial career, which became milestones. The events from the author's life more particularly the Supreme Court Habeas Corpus Case and resignation from the court and Chairmanship of Law Commission reveals him as a man who is deeply thoughtful, gentle and firm of purpose, of strong moral principles without being flamboyant or even mildly demonstrative. He will be always remembered in the annals of Indian Judiciary as one of the most outstanding and courageous judge India has ever seen. The book, full of picturesque scenes of social reality and judicial attitudes, is a valuable source material for the future historians of India and a must read for every one who loves justice and individual liberty to strengthen one's faith.

My Father  
Days in the Profession   
Glamour in Court—Some Unusual Clients   
Notable Figures of Amritsar Bar  
Some Prominent Muslims of Amritsar  
Communal Riots of 1947  
From Bar to Bench  
Kalka Firing Enquiry   
Dalmia Cast'  
District and Sessions Judge, Delhi   
Punjab High Court  
Partdp Singh Kairon   
Orissa Enquiry  
Chief Justice of High Court  
Supreme Court  
Visit to Australia   
Mrs Gandhi's Election Appeal   
Attempt tit Reconsider Kesavananda Bharati 
Minority Rights   
Habeas Corpus Case  
Resignation from the Court  
March 1977   
Chairmanship of Law Commission  
Visit to Europe   
Centre-State Relations  
UGC Membership   
A Meeting to Remember  
Minister for Three Days  
Sanjay Gandhi  
Candidate in Presidential—Election  
Looking Back at Three Score and Ten  
Mahja and His Son 
Bhagat Ji  
Bharpur Singh  
Vidya Ram  
A Minister Falters   
A Date with the Tiger  
A Trip to Kalpa Valley  
Leading a Dancing Troupe  
Trespassers Will be Eaten  
Coexistence in Kaziranga  
The Capital of Nagaland  
A Pleasant Encounter  
Made for each other  
Execution of Bhutto  
Tragedy of Assam  
C.K. Daphtary  
Israel Investigating Commission  
Salute to Yasuo Kato  

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