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Nabhi's Compilation of Travelling Allowance Rules

Nabhi's Compilation of Travelling Allowance Rules

  • ₹410.00

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  • Publisher: Nabhi Publication
  • Edition: 2 Rev Ed 2023
  • ISBN 13 9788195844746
  • Approx. Pages 374+ Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 21 x 14 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

Encouraged by the overwhelming response from our readers to our various publications on Central Govt. Service Rules including Nabhi's Referencer for Central Govt. Employees, Nabhi's General Financial Rules, Nabhi's CCS (Conduct) Rules, Nabhi's CCS (CCA) Rules, Nabhi's CCS (Leave) Rules, etc. we have been prompted to further expand this stream, and a team of our expert editors has been assigned the task of preparing many more publications related to this field. In this series, we are now pleased to present this first edition of Nabhi's COMPILATION OF TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE RULES alongwith GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ORDERS AND DECISIONS, 2016.The speciality of the book is that the various Government of India Orders and Decisions have been incorporated under the relevant rule, and further arranged subject wise for better understanding. Such GOI Orders and GOI Decisions have been given in a smaller type face and contained in a box so as to distinguish it from the main Rules. Besides, relevant orders/instructions issued by other Ministries/Departments, Director General, P&T, C&AG, Audit Instructions, etc. have also been incorporated at appropriate places and have been given in a further smaller type face. Useful references and Editorial Notes have been provided at all relevant places so as to facilitate proper comprehension of the rules.Besides orders relating to Travelling Allowance to Govt. servants appointed as Directors, Representatives etc. of Govt. on Industrial Undertakings, Transport Allowance and T.A. to Members of Staff Side under JCM, have been given separately in Appendices after the Rules, making the book complete and more useful. An Index of Notifications, Office Memoranda and Letters, etc. has also been provided which will further enhance the practical utility of the book.The book is expected to be a useful reference book for all Government departments and for departmental examinations.Though every care has been taken to incorporate authentic information yet some errors might have crept in inadvertantly. Kindly bring such errors to the notice of publisher notwithstanding that the publisher is not legally or morally responsible for any error or omission.
Govt. of India Orders and Decisions placed under relevant rule
(As per 7th Pay Commission Orders)
Including Orders on
T.A. for Govt. Nominees in Industrial Undertakings, etc.
T.A./D.A. for Members of Staff Side under JCM
Transport Allowance
Division I - Extent of Application
Division II - Definitions
Division III to V

See F.R & S.R - Part I
Division VI - Travelling Allowances
Chapter 1    Grade of Government Servants
Chapter 2    Different kinds of Travelling Allowance
Chapter 3    Travelling allowance admission for different classes of Journey
Chapter 4    Travelling allowance admissible when means of Transport
                    are supplied without cost to government Servant Travelling
Chapter 5    Travelling allowance to persons who are not in the civil services
Chapter 6    Controlling Officers

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