- Publisher: Nabhi Publication
- Edition: 7 Rev. Ed 2023
- Approx. Pages 212 + contents
- Format Paperback
- Approx. Product Size 21 x 14 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
- Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)
56 Glorious Years of Nabhi Publications
As Per Seventh Pay Commission Orders
The text of CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended up to date (given in bold font) is supported by Government of India Decisions, D.G. P&T. Instructions, Audit Instructions and C&AG's Decisions (contained in a box), arranged under the relevant rule, in a logical manner, for better understanding of the subject.
Since the publication of the previous edition of the book, some important changes have been made in the CCS (Leave) Rules. Entitlements and conditions for Earned Leave and Half- Pay Leave in vacation departments have been modified. 60 days Special Maternity Leave has been allowed in case of death of child/ stillbirth. Treatment/ regularisation of period of absence due to hospitalization/ quarantine has been explained. Clarifications on various issues related to leave have been issued. Besides, a number of clarificatory orders have been issued on the subject. Encouraged by the overwhelming response from our readers and incorporating the changes issued up to date we are now pleased to present this 7th revised edition of Nabhi's Compilation of Central Civil Services LEAVE RULES, 2023.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Preliminary
Chapter 2. General Conditions
Chapter 3. Grant of and Return from Leave
Chapter 4. Kinds of Leave Due and Admissible
Chapter 5. Special Kinds of Leave other than Study Leave
Chapter 6. Study Leave
Chapter 7. Miscellaneous