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Model Appointment Letters Service Rules and Standing Orders

Model Appointment Letters Service Rules and Standing Orders

  • ₹595.00

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  • Author(s): H.L. Kumar
  • Publisher: Law and Justice Publishing Co
  • Edition: 7 Ed 2023
  • ISBN 13 9789393850072
  • Approx. Pages 354 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

Model Appointment Letters
For various categories of employees
Model Service Rules
For establishments, Hospitals and Private Schools
Model Standing Orders
For Industrial Establishments
Since Independence, India has attempted to take wide strides, particularly since 1951, by embarking upon a planned economy with a view to generate all-round economic and industrial development. Industrial development in recent years has resulted in the advent of large enterprises with large labour force. Obviously, the larger the labour force, the greater are the potential problems. Besides, the recent trends indicate that the employee can no longer be viewed as a commodity. One must heed the writing on the wall. The socialistic pattern of society, the advent of intervention by the State and the idea of a Welfare State must move the alert manager to recognition of the importance of the human relations approach and his actions must result in social justice. The educated component of the work force is increasing. A worker today is more urban than rural in his outlook. The labour force is better organized through the increasing strength of trade unions and the trade union movement.In the case of written contract, for instance, one contained in the appointment letter there should be no difficulty in interpreting the conditions of service and following the same. Where, however, the contract of employment is only implied, all the circumstances bearing on it and relating to the same, will be required to be considered in inferring the conditions by which the employment is governed. Many disputes can be avoided if the terms and conditions of employment and job description are spelled out in the appointment letter. This is our aim in bringing out this book.
Chapter 1 : Selection of Employees
Chapter 2 : Guidelines for Drafting of Appointment Letters
Chapter 3 : Guideline for Drafting Service Rules for Establishment other than School and Hospitals
Chapter 4 : Model Service Rules for Establishments other than Private Schools and Hospitals
Chapter 5 : How and why Hospitals are Different from Industries/Establishments?
Chapter 6 : Schools are on High Pedestal with Other Sector
Chapter 7 : Model Service Rules for Teachers/Employees of Unaided Private/Recogised Schools in Delhi
Chapter 8 : Standing Orders
Model Standing Orders (Under Industrial Relations Code, 2022)
Author Details
H.L. Kumar,
Advocate Supreme Court of India, Editor, Labour Law Reporter

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