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Legends in Law (Our Great Forebears)

Legends in Law (Our Great Forebears)

  • ₹1,395.00

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  • Author(s): V. Sudhish Pai
  • Publisher: Law and Justice Publishing Co
  • Edition: 2 Ed 2024
  • ISBN 13 9788119129409
  • Approx. Pages 692 + contents
  • Format Hardbound
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

This is the second, revised edition of the book which portrays the life and work of some 48 eminent persons in the field of law. The life and work of these figures should and would inspire and enlighten us and be woven into the texture of our own lives to stir us to greater heights. Of all of them it may be appropriately said: "So great a name no praise can match." Progress depends on retentiveness. We cannot forget the abiding relevance of the past and its torch bearers. Matthew Arnold wrote: "And we forget because we must, And not because we will." It is in the fond hope that the legends are not forgotten that this book is written.
It is an endeavour to apprise the present generation of what set apart some of our great forebears in the law. A procession of the greats is unfolded before the readers. While their own lives inspire awe and reverence for their individual greatness and achievements, it is the advancement of the cause of justice to which their lives were dedicated. The book contains delightful vignettes of some celebrated men of law of yesteryears and rich gems of entertaining incidents and humorous anecdotes in the lives of some of them. Apart from depicting their professional prowess and accomplishments, it furnishes interesting revelations of their personal characteristics and peculiarities which is quite enthralling. It is difficult to lay down the book after one has started relishing its delights. Also included in the book is some correspondence between some of the luminaries and the author which adds to the authenticity and value of the book.
It will be an excellent addition to every library of both lawyer and layman.
Law - Philosophy - Values - Development
Humanities - Lawyer - An Architect
Holmes' Vision
A Legacy - Its Significance
Justice and Rule of Law
Constitution and Constitutional Values
History of the Courts - Their Origin and Evolution  - Powers and Functions
Law and Justice Delivery System in Ancient India
The Medieval Period
Systems of Western Law
The Advent of British in India
The Entry of English Common Law
The Royal Charters - Establishment of Courts
Supreme Courts in Presidency Towns
Development of Judicial System First, then a Body of Law
Two Parallel Systems
Letters Patent High Courts in the Presidency Towns
Letters Patent 1862/1865
Other High Courts
Privy Council, Federal Court, Supreme Court
High Courts under the Constitution
Judicial Process
Jurisdiction-Original and Appellate
Court of Record - Inherent Jurisdiction
Contempt of Court
Right to Life and Liberty
Habeas Corpus
Personal Liberty and National Security
Other Writs
Admiralty Jurisdiction
Judicial Review
Constitutional Foundations of Judicial Review
Anti Majoritarian Implications of Judicial Review
The Incoming Tides
Legitimacy of the Judicial Process
Common Law - Its Adaptability and Transformation in the Legal System
Men of Law

Great Men of Law - Their Hallmarks
Makers of Indian Law a Representative Constellation
Barnes Peacock
Sumboo Nath Pundit
J.D. Mayne
T. Muthuswamy lyer
S. Subramania lyer
V. Bhashyam Ayyangar
Gooroodas Banerjee
Rashbehary Ghose
J.D. Inverarity
Syed Mahmood
Eardley Norton
Lawrence Jenkins
Asutosh Mookerjee
S.P. Sinha
C.R. Das
Murray Coutts-Trotter
Jamshedji Kanga
Tej Bahadur Sapru
John Beaumont
Bhulabhai Desai
Maurice Gwyer
George Rankin
S. Varadachariar
Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar
Motilal C. Setalvad
Shah Sulaiman
B.N. Rau
K.N. Katju
Sarat Chandra Bose
Vivian Bose
Bijan Kumar Mukherjea
C.K. Daphtary
T.L. Venkatarama Ayyar
M.K. Nambyar
M.C. Chagla
K. Subba Rao
M. Hidayatullah
H.M. Seervai
Durga Das Basu
K.K. Mathew
H.R. Khanna
N.A. Palkhivala
V. R. Krishna Iyer
Y. V Chandrachud
P. N Bhagwati
S. G. Sundaraswamy
S. J. Sorbjee
An Afterword - The Torchbearers of the Legacy

Author Details
V. Sudhish Pal, Senior Advocate is a distinguished lawyer and jurist and an acclaimed author specializing in Constitutional Law and Administrative Law. He assisted Dr. Durga Das Basu, the world renowned commentator on Constitutional Law, in the revision of his Commentary on the Constitution of India. He is a contributor to the Restatement of Indian Law on Legislative Privileges, a project of the Supreme Court. He was Visiting Chair Professor-Asutosh Mookerjee Chair at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata. He is a resource person at the National Judicial Academy, Bhopal for continuing legal education for judges. He has authored articles and books on different subjects. His contribution to academics, particularly in the area of critical constitutional analysis, has been substantial and significant. The Supreme Court and the High Courts have quoted from his writings. Sudhish Pai belongs to the illustrious class in the lineage of great commentators like Seerval and Basu whose works are monumental. Scholars like him are primarily responsible for the part played by reason and theory in the law. His role in that regard has been laudable. By his work he has accentuated the true meaning of the Bar as a learned profession. Ranked as a legal philosopher for his profound learning and thinking, his contribution to a healthy and informed discourse on vital public law issues is commendable.

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