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Legal Research and Writing (New Perspective)

Legal Research and Writing (New Perspective)

  • ₹750.00

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  • Author(s): Manoj Kumar Sinha, Deepa Kharb
  • Publisher: LexisNexis
  • Edition: Ed 2023
  • ISBN 13 9789391211042
  • Approx. Pages 460 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

The propensity for research is an inherent instinct in any curious individual. However, though research is primarily driven by inquisitiveness, it embodies a synthesis of many cognitive processes. Hence, conducting research requires a rigorous and methodological approach. Research methodology lends structure to the creative endeavour of research. The pursuit of research is often reflexive and research methodology helps the researcher in navigation of this labyrinthine process through an uncovering of its epistemology.
Unlike earlier times, when literature and books on Legal Research Methodology would languish in obscurity in the libraries of a few institutes, there is an increased interest in the subject today. There are dedicated courses focussed on teaching the what, when and how of the tools of legal research. Needless to say, the indispensability of research has been acutely felt and a profusion of material on research methods and techniques has emerged to fill in the void that had once existed. One would find no dearth of material on the subject of Legal Research today. Infact, the bewildering multitude of sources has in itself created 'the problem of plenty. Scrounging through the sea of sources, one comes across confusing, even conflicting information. Therein lies the danger, both for the novice and the experienced researcher. While the daunting process of identifying the appropriate methodology for one's research query, may dampen the spirit of the beginner who is just learning the ropes, and cause him to give up even before starting the quest, the experienced researcher may have a difficult time 'unlearning' parts of the accumulated knowledge. Unlearning remains significant since the research ecosystem is one of the most dynamic and as new technologies and challenges emerge, the epistemic tools are vastly changing.
Table of Contents

Part A - Meaning and Significance of Legal Research
Part B Legal Research Methods
Part C Research Process-Research Design, Tools and Techniques
Part D Art of Legal Writing
Part E Impact of Covid-19 on Development of Legal Research
Author Details
Manoj Kumar SInha
Deepa Kharb

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