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Legal Research and Writing Methods

Legal Research and Writing Methods

  • ₹425.00

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  • Author(s): Anwarul Yaqin
  • Publisher: LexisNexis
  • Edition: 1 Ed Rp 2022
  • ISBN 13 9788180385568
  • Approx. Pages 281 + contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

Legal and Social Research Methods explains the nature, purpose and principles of legal research and the methods used in carrying out a research project. Although the book deals with a variety of aspects relevant to research, its main focus is the reader who wishes to pursue research as a step towards the acquisition of a higherqualification (Master's or Ph.D degree), orto prepare a substantial piece of research that involves a pursuit of systematic procedures.
A unique feature of the book is that it emphasises the need to undertake, where appropriate and feasible, a social study on part of a legal research. The author has devoted a substantial part of the book (9 chapters) to explaining the nature and objectives of social research (the study of a social problem, issue or question), the techniques of data collection and the methods used for conducting such research. This makes the text equally useful for researchers in the field of law as well as in other disciplines such as sociology, political science, economics, psychology, education, mass communication, journalism, management science, or any branch of knowledge that requires a study of people, society orculture.
1.    Nature and Purpose of Legal Research
2.    Selection of the Research Topic
3.    Research Design in a Legal Study
4.    Finding Material in a Law Library
5.    Writing Dessertations and Theses
6.    Nature and Types of Social Research
7.    Research Design in a Social Study
8.    Social Survey Research Methods
9.    Observation Method of Data Collection
10.   Interview Method of Data Collection
11.   Questionnaire Method of Data Collection
12.   Sampling
13.   Data Preparation and Analysis
14.   Writing Social Research Report
15.   Mode of Citation and Bibliography
Appendix A : Foreign Words and Phrases
Appendix B : Roman Numerals
Appendix C : List of Indian and Foreign Journals
Appendix D : List of Indian and Foreign Law Reports
Author Details
The author has been a Professor of Law in India and later in Malaysia. He has wide experience of teaching research methods. His earlier works include Protection of Women under the Law, Constitutional Protection of Minority Educational Institutions in India, Law and Society in Malaysia, and Legal Research and Writing

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