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Textbook on Legal Methods, Legal System and Research

Textbook on Legal Methods, Legal System and Research

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This edition is an improvement over the first one obviously because time has changed and new crop of literature is constantly enriching our paradigm of legal knowledge. Almost all chapters in Part I and Part II have been re-visited and refreshed with newer inputs. Newer and contemporary methods have been mined and scored. Legal analysis is the basis for any legal method course. These are then to be communicated to the clients, courts and other lawyers in due course. Both written and oral communications are equally important although primary focus is on legal writing. All lawyers are expected to learn new areas of law and legal research thus becomes a key skill to be mastered from the tools found in legal method discourses. A study of legal method then should begin with fundamental legal concepts and principles followed by a clear understanding of the nature of the legal system and its sources, and the techniques which lawyers use when handling those sources. The current edition is the repository of all these areas of knowledge serving to ingnite passion for learning from other source books and materials. Once interest takes its root, curiosity grows and appetite intensifies, legal learning will be joy for ever.
Hope readers of this edition find it useful in preparartion for their long journey with the memory that reminds good foundational root gaining ground from this labour of love. I am grateful to the publisher for taking good care of the scholarly products in our environment.

This edition is an improvement over the first one obviously because time has changed and new crop of literature is constantly enriching our paradigm of legal knowledge. Almost all chapters in Part I and Part II have been re-visited and refreshed with newer inputs. Newer and contemporary methods have been mined and scored. Legal analysis is the basis for any legal method course. These are then to be communicated to the clients, courts and other lawyers in due course. Both written and oral communications are equally important although primary focus is on legal writing. All lawyers are expected to learn new areas of law and legal research thus becomes a key skill to be mastered from the tools found in legal method discourses. A study of legal method then should begin with fundamental legal concepts and principles followed by a clear understanding of the nature of the legal system and its sources, and the techniques which lawyers use when handling those sources. The current edition is the repository of all these areas of knowledge serving to ingnite passion for learning from other source books and materials. Once interest takes its root, curiosity grows and appetite intensifies, legal learning will be joy for ever.
Hope readers of this edition find it useful in preparartion for their long journey with the memory that reminds good foundational root gaining ground from this labour of love. I am grateful to the publisher for taking good care of the scholarly products in our environment.
Part I
1.     Introduction
2.     Legal System, Nature and Functions of Law
3.     Classification of Law and Legal System
4.     Basic Legal Concepts
5.     Sources of Law
Part II
6.     Constitutional Law
7.     Law of Obligations
8.     Law of Obligations II
9.     Law of Patrimony (Property)
10.  Criminal and Civil Procedure
Part III
11.  Legal Professin and Professional Ethics
12.  Legal Writing and Research
Table of Cases
Author Details
Prof. Tushar Kanti Saha

M.A (Eco), LLB (London), LL.M (Cal), Ph.D (Cal) Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, London, Advocate
Professor of Procedural and Adjectival Law Member, Senate, National University of Lesotho
Formerly, Professor of Law
University of Dar-Es-Salaam
Hidayatullah National Law University
Addis Ababa University
Director, School of Law, University of Asmara
Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi

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