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Legal Method, Legal Language and Legal Writing

Legal Method, Legal Language and Legal Writing

  • ₹240.00

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  • Author(s): Anil K. Nair
  • Publisher: Aparna Publications
  • Edition: Latest Edn.
  • Approx. Pages 203 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 27 x 21 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
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The notes on "Legal Method, Legal Language & Legal Writing" is one among my humble works to make it simple to chew, keeping in mind the reality that you have to find rough weather in future. You have opted to study law. So many were the options before you to elect. You could have elected to join in a college or university to study any other branch of study, such as engineering technology, mathematics, or science. At the very outset, I may say that your choice is not a wrong one, but only a right choice. You will realise it when time goes on.
1.      Introduction
2.      Meaning of Law
3.      Relevency of law in Society
4.      Sources of Law
5.      The Constitution of India
6.      Legislation as a source of law
7.      Precedents as a source of law
8.      Custom as a source of law
9.      Classification of Law
10.    Classification of Statutes
11.    Structure of Statutes
12.    Rules of Interpretation of Statutes
13.    Hierarchy of Criminal Courts in India
14.    Classes of Civil Courts and Their Powers
15.    Advisory Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
16.    Special Leave Appeal to Supreme Court
17.    Public Interest Litigation
18.    Special Leave Appeal to Supreme Court
19.    Alternative dispute Resolution (ADR)
20.    Lok Adalat
21.    Permanent Lok Adalat
22.    Law Library
23.    Legal Doctrines and Maxims
    1.    Actio Personalis moritur cum persona
    2.    Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea
    3.    i.    Audi alteram partem
    4.    Deminimis non curat lex
    5.    i    Quid pro quo
            ii.  Ex nudo pacto non oritur actio
     6.    i.    Ex turpi causa non oritur actio
            ii.   In turpi causa non oritur actio
    7.    Falsus In Uno Falsus In Omnibus
    8.    Fiat Justicia Ruat Coelum
    9.    Generalia Specialibus Non Derogant
    10.   Ignoratia Juris Non Excusat
    11.   Lex injustitia non est lex
    12.   Nemo Dat Quod Non-habet
            i.    Nemo debet bis vexari pro una et eadem causa
            ii.   Doctrine of Double Jeopardy
            iii.  Autrefois convict and Autrefois acquit
            iv.  Res Judicata
            v.    Doctrine of 'Issue Estoppel'       
    14.    i.    Doctrine of Vicarious Liability               
             ii.   Quifacit per aliumfacit perse
             iii.  Respondent Superior
    15.    Res ipsa loquitur
    16.    Voiunti non fit injuria   
    17.    Ubijusibiremedium
    18.    Caveat Emptor and Caveat Venditor
     19.    i.    Injuria sine damno
               ii. Damnum sine injuria
      20.    LisPendens
      21.    SpesSuccessionis
      22.    Delegatus non potest deiegare
      23.    i.    Stare Decisis
               ii    Ratio-decidendi
               iii.  Obitur Dictum   
      24.    Ut res magis valeat quam pereat
      25.    Expressio Unis Est Exclusio Alterius
      26.    Saius Populi Est Suprema Lex
      27.    i.    In jure non remota causa sed proxima spectatur
               ii.    Causa Proxima, non remota spectata
       28.    NovusActuslnterveniens   
       29.    Necessitas non habet legem
       30.    Rebus sic standibus
       31.    Doctrine of 'Ultra Vires’
Definition and meaning of Some Legal Terms
1    Contract
2    Void Agreement
3    Consensus ad idem
4    Consideration
5    Indemnity
6    Guarantee
7    Bailment
8    Pledge or Pawn
9    Agency
10  Sale
11   Partnership
12  Immovable Property
13  Mortgage
14  Lease
15  Gift
16  Company
17  Memorandum of Association
18  Articles of Association
19  By-law of Co-operative Society
20  Tort
21  Crime or Offence
22  Bailable & Non-bailable Offences
23  Cognizable &Non-CongnizabIe Offences
24  Sommons Case and Warrant Case
25  Investigation, Inquiry and Trial
26  Discharge and Acquittal
27  Evidence
28  Oral Evidence and Documentary Evidence
29  Primary Evidence and Secondary Evidence
30  Direct Evidence and Circumstantial Evidence
31  Substantive Evidence and Non- Substantive Evidence
32  Examination-in-Chief
33  Cross-Examination
34  Re-Examination
35  First Information Report (FIR)
36  Complaint
37  Bail
38  Anticipatory Bail
39  FreeLegalAid
40  PowerofAttomey
41  Will
42  Plaint
43  Written Statement
44  Set-off
45  Counter-Claim
46  Interlocutory Application & Affidavit
Author Details
Anil K. Nair
, Advocate, High Court of Kerala.

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