- Author(s): Pavan Duggal
- Publisher: Universal LexisNexis
- Edition: Ed 2014
- ISBN 13 9789350354599
- Approx. Pages 268 + contents
- Format Hardbound
- Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
- Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)
A new treatise on the legal Jurisprudence concerning legal framework on electronic commerce is being released in India. The Book entitled "Legal FRAMEWORKS ON ELECTRONIC COMMERCE AND IPR CYBERSPACE" has been authored by Pavan Duggal, Asia's and India's renowed and foremost expert and authority in Cyberlaw, who has also the credit of doing pioneering work in the field of Mobile law. With the advancement of Technology, Cyberlaw is a constantly evolving discipline and there is need to rellok the existing Cyberlaw frameworks for the purposes of filling up the lacunae and also improving the existing legal frameworks concerning the electronic commerce, mobile commerce, electronic governance and protection and preservation of Intellectual Property Rights in cyberspace. This Book is the most authoritative Book on the evolution, development and current state of legal frameworks on electronic commerce and intellectual property rights in cyberspce as also various legal, policy and regulatory issues connected with use of the computers, computer systems, computer networks, computer resources and communication devices, digital and mobile ecosystem. This book further reveals the complexities and nuances pertaining to the emerging trends concerning cyber law. This Book further looks at what are the challenges being faced by the Indian legal regime while regulating computers, computer systems, computer networks, computer resources and communication devices and further looks at the deficiencies of the Indian approach in dealing with it. This Book is the first of its kind, which specifically deals with legal, policy and Regulatory issues pertaining to use computers, computer systems, computer networks, computer resources and communication device. This Book is standing guide for all stakeholders in India who are covered under the Indian Cyberlaw in terms of the respective rights, duties and obligations which they are expected to perform within the parameters of the law. This book is an absolute must for all legal practitioners, law libraries, IT companies, internet service providers and operators, all companies offering their services in the electronic ecosystem and all users of computers, computer systems, computer networks, computer resources and communication device in India. This book essential also for any person or legal entity, using any component or service available on or through the electronic ecosystem, electronic environment and networks, who wants to protect their legal interests.
1. Need and Role of Law in Cyber World
2. Free Speech ans Expression on the Internet
3. Impact of Telecommunication and Broadcasting Law on Internet Regulation
4. Privacy Issues and Access Rights
5. Related Issues under International law Jurisdiction
6. Issues of Enforcement
1. Concept of Property in Cyberspace
2. Implications on Intellecutal Property Rights: International & National Legal preparedness
3. Nature of Intellectual Property Rights and Copyrights Issues
4. Berne Convention
5. WIPO Copyright Convention
6. TRIPS Agreement
7. Application of Copyright Act, 1957
8. Scope of Protection of Computer Program
9. Applications of Petents to Computer Technology
1. Introduction to Electronic Commerce
2. Online Contracts
3. Spamming
4. Disclaimer
5. Competition Law
6. Establishing and Maintaining Brand Identity
7. Licensing and Regulatory Requirements
8. E-banking
9. Electronic Fund Transfer
10. Evidence & Security
11. Taxation Issues
12. Work in UNCITRAL, WTO & WIPO Regarding Electronic commerce
1. Information Technology Act, 2000
2. Historical Background
3. Objectives
4. Legal Recognition of Electronic Records and Procedures
5. Legal Recognition of Digital Signatures
6. Certifying Authority and its Role
7. Controller of Certifying Authorities
8. Cyber Appellate Tribunal
9. Offences/ Cybercrimes
Author Details
Pavan Duggal : Advocate, Supreme Court, President of Cyberlaws.