- Author(s): N.V. Raju
- Publisher: Law Books Centre
- Edition: 1 Ed 2025
- ISBN 13 9788195104031
- Approx. Pages 428 + Contents
- Format Hardbound
- Approx. Product Size 24 x 18 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
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This commentary is authored by Sri N V Raju, who is a District Judge working in Kerala Higher Judicial Service. Combining his original thought and practical experience, the author has made this work wonderful, demolishing the notion that the Transfer of Property Act is a difficult one to grasp. Justice P B Sureshkumar and Justice Pius C Kuriakose, who had respectively written the foreword and message for this book, have found this work highly simple and easy to understand while maintaining depth.
“, I am confident that any diligent reader will find immense value in this work….What sets this work apart is the author’s unique blend of academic insight and practical experience. His extensive knowledge, combined with his direct involvement in adjudicating property disputes, has empowered him to provide a commentary that is not only academically robust but also highly practical. The commentary not only explains in simple language all reasonable doubts but also removes all obscurities that may arise in the mind of a reader… One of the most commendable aspects of this work is its simplicity. ..Sri. N.V. Raju has succeeded in demystifying the statute, offering clear and precise explanations without sacrificing the depth of analysis. Each section of the Act has been explored thoroughly, making the commentary accessible to a wide range of readers, from law students to experienced judges. The clarity with which the author addresses potential uncertainties and complex concepts is particularly commendable. This commentary is a valuable resource, not just for its thorough analysis of the current law but also for its forward-looking perspective on possible future reforms. I am confident that this book will become an indispensable guide for anyone engaged with the Transfer of Property Act, whether you are a student, a legal practitioner, or a judge”--- Justice P B Sureshkumar, Judge High Court of Kerla
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Preliminary
Chapter 2. Of Transfers of Property by Act of Parties
Chapter 3. Of Sales of Immoveable Property
Chapter 4. Of Mortage of Immovable Property and Charges
Chapter 5. Of Leases of Immoveable Property
Chapter 6. Of Exchanges
Chapter 7. Of Gifts
Chapter 8. Of Transfers of Actionable Claims
Author Details:
N. V. RAJU, District and Sessions Judge
Kerala Higher Judicial Service