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Law of Writs and other Constitutional Remedies (2 Volume Set)

Law of Writs and other Constitutional Remedies (2 Volume Set)

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* This Fifth revised and enlarged edition of the work has been revised and rewritten by the celebrated author who has to his credit over two dozen books on law, a number of which are on subjects of constitutional law.
* Unlike other books on writs, which deal with writ remedies provided by articles 32, 226 and 227 only, the present work is an exhaustive treatise not only on these articles but also on articles 132,133,134,134A, 135,136,137, etc.
* All Supreme Court cases from 1950 to date have been exhaustively dealt with under a large number of subject headings and sub-headings with cross-references between subject headings provided. Cases prior to 1950 and a large number of foreign cases were also referred.
* Over 9,500 judgments, mostly of the Supreme Court, referred. Judgments involving more than one law point cited at more than one place, resulting in over 17,000 references to judgments.
* Parallel citations of a maximum number of Law Reports are provided for ease of reference to the particular Law Report available to the reader.
* Special Chapters are devoted to each type of writ, i.e., habeas corpus, certiorari, mandamus, prohibition and quo warranto, each one of which has been dealt with elaborately.
* A special Chapter: The Homily on Human Rights, having a bearing on writ jurisdiction, is given.
* A useful Chapter on Practice and Procedure was provided.
* Model forms of writ petitions, PILs, SLPs, etc., most of which have been drawn from actual petitions filed in the High Courts/Supreme Court, provided to add to the utility of the book.
* Relevant extracts from various High Court Rules and the Supreme Court Rules, Supreme Court Practice and Procedure, etc., are provided
Volume 1

1.    Origin and History of Writs and Judicial Review
2.    Scheme and Scope of Writs
3.    Article 32-Scope and Interpretation
4.    Fundamental Rights - A dialogue
5.    Writs Generally Under Article 32
6.    Writs Generally Under Article 226
7.    Public Interest Litigation and Judicial Activitism-Extended Arms of Writ Jurisdiction
8.    Writ of Habeas Corpus
9.    Writ of Certiorari
10.  Writ of Madamus
11.  Writ of Prohibition
Volume 2
12.  Writ of Quo Warranto
13.  Emergencies and Writs
14.  Petitions under Article 227
15.  The Homily of Human Rights
16.  Disputes Between States or Between the Union and States
17.  Provisions for Appeal to Supreme Court and Appeals Genarally under Article 132
18.  Appeal to Supreme Court in Civil Matters - Artice 133
19.  Appeal to Supreme Court in Criminal Matters - Article 134
20.  Certificate for Appeal and Devolution of Federal Court's Jurisdictioin - Articles 134A and 135
21.  Plenary Power of Supreme Court to Grant Special Leave to Appeal - Article 136
22.  Review Petition before the Supreme Court
23.  Drafting and Contents of Petitions
24.  Practice and Procedure
Author Details
Dr. R.G. Chaturvedi
was born on July 24, 1931, Did his M.A. (Phil.) in 1953 and topped in LL.B in 1954 from the University of Rajasthan. Did his Ph.D. on Philosophy of Justice in 1978 and D. Litt. In Philosophy of Law in 1987 both from the Agra University.
He is prolific writer is borne out by the fact that he has written over two dozen books on law and revised as many well-known legal classics. He is recipient of the prestigious National Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Award conferred by the Uttar Pradesh hindi Sansthan for his work: Samvaidhanik Darshan (Philosophy of Constitution) in Hindi. He attended World Conferejnce of the International Political Science Association at Washington in 1988 and read a paper : New Form of Justice. He was appointed as a Guest Professor of Jurispudence of the University of North Texas, USA where he delivered a lecture: Basic Structure of Constitutional of India.
Daulat Ram Prem

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