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Law of Universities: A Kerala Manual (Volume III)

Law of Universities: A Kerala Manual (Volume III)

  • ₹900.00

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  • Author(s): K.G. Rajamohan
  • Publisher: Suvarna Publications
  • Edition: 1 Ed May 2015
  • ISBN 10 8186621407
  • Approx. Pages 1224 + Contents
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days

"Law of Universities: A Kerala Manual" is a compilation of all the concerned Acts, Statutes, Ordinances, Rules, Orders and Regulations. The entire case law related to the subject is also included in this Manual. Now there are thirteen Universities in the State of Kerala and also one Central University situated in Kasaragod District. Hence, the total material is so voluminious that we are forced to publish the work in three volumes. The first volume consists of about 1300 pages. The second volume consists of about 1200 pages. The third volume consists of about 1250 pages. We have shown sufficient enthusiasm to include all statutory materials, and sufficient care to avoid errors. Despite the highly rising cost of production, we have fixed the price for the volumes at a fairly competitive and cheap level.
Subject Wise
Chronological List
Alphabetical List Vol. 3
Consolidated Alphabetical List Vols. 1, 2 & 3
1.Nominal Index
2. List of Universities in Kerala
4. Sankaracharya University
5. Veterinary University
6. Fisheries University
7. Health Sciences University
8. Ezuthachan Malayala University
9. Technological University
10. Central University
11.Case Law

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