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Law of Trade Marks and Passing off

Law of Trade Marks and Passing off

  • ₹2,895.00

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  • Author(s): P. Narayanan
  • Publisher: Eastern Law House
  • Edition: 6 Ed Revised Rp 2023
  • ISBN 13 9788171773800
  • Approx. Pages 1454 + Contents
  • Format Hardbound
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

Due to globalisation of trade and commerce, the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act 1958 was repealed and replaced by the Trade Marks Act 1999 which is closely resembling the provisions of the Trade Marks Act 1994 of the U.K. opening up opportunities for Indian products and services to be projected to the developed countries like Europe, the U.K. and U.S.A. where traders and consumers are highly brand conscious.
Ramifications of the issues
The instant edition provides a comprehensive account of the subject. The author took every step to produce systematically all the issues relating to the subject such as registration of trade marks and its opposition, assignment and transmission of trade marks, infringement of trade mark and action for it, collective marks, deceptive similarity, goodwill, licensing of trade marks, offences and penalties, passing off, threat of legal proceedings, trade liable are some of them. Besides all those, the author gave an expertise exposition of the essential features of the European Law, Unfair Competition Law, Trade Dress and Geographical Indications of Goods etc., which make the work more useful. The book has exhaustively referred to a large number of decisions of the Trade Marks Act 1994 of the U.K. which fulfilled the needs of judicial interpretation of the Act of 1999. Decisions of the U.S.A. are also referred where relevant and instructive.
Chapter 1.    Introduction
Chapter 2.    What is a Trade Mark
Chapter 3.    Property in Trade Mark
Chapter 4.    Register of Trade Marks and the Trade Marks Registry
Chapter 5.    Registration of Trade Marks
Chapter 6.    Opposition to Registration
Chapter 7.    Powers of the Registrar and the Central Government
Chapter 8.    What marks are registrable
Chapter 9.    What Marks are not Registrable
Chapter 10.  Registration of Marks prima facie not Capable of Distinguishing
Chapter 11.  Certification Trade Mark
Chapter 12.  Textile Trade Marks
Chapter 13.  Collective Marks
Chapter 14.  Common to the Trade
Chapter 15.  Appellate Board
Chapter 16.  Concurrent Registration
Chapter 17.  Similarity, Near Resemblance and Deceptive Similarity of Marks
Chapter 18.  Assignment and Transmission of Trade Marks
Chapter 19.  Goodwill
Chapter 20.  Licensing of Trade Marks and Registered Users
Chapter 21.  Rectification of Register
Chapter 22.  Effect of Registration
Chapter 23.  Infringement of Trade Mark
Chapter 24.  Action for Infringement
Chapter 25.  Passing off Action
Chapter 26.  Evidence in Trade Mark Proceedings
Chapter 27.  Fraud
Chapter 28.  Offences and Penalties
Chapter 29.  Threat of Legal Proceedings and Trade Libel
Chapter 30.  Miscellaneous Topics
Chapter 31.  Trade Mark Law in Europe
Chapter 32.  Unfair Competition Law
Chapter 33.  Trade Dress
Chapter 34.  Geographical Indication of Goods
1.    The Trade Marks Act, 1999
2.    The Trade Marks Rules, 2002
3.    The Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958
4.    The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999
5.    The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Rules, 2002
6.    The Trade Marks (Applications and Appeals to the Intellectual Property
       Appellate Board) Rules, 2003
7.    Intellectual Property Appellate Board (Procedure) Rules, 2003
8.    Trade Marks Act 1994 of the United Kingdom
9.    Federal Trademark Act of 1946 as Amended (The Lanham Act) (USA)
10.  Notifications by Central Government
11.  Indication of Origin of Goods
12.  Instructions for the Limits of Variation in Respect of Trade Descriptions
13.  Directions of Central Government
14.  The Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950
15.  Certain Provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the Drugs and
       Cosmetics Rules, 1945
16.  Certain Provisions of the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable
       Advertisements) Act, 1954
17.  Certain Provisions of the Geneva Conventions Act, 1960 :
18.  Ratification of Paris Convention
19.  Certain Provisions of the GATT and TRIPS
20.  Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
Author Details
Born in 1917 in Travancore (Kerala) and graduating from Madras University in Mathematics in the first class, P. Narayanan joined the Trade Marks Registry,  Bombay in 1940 working in various capacities including Assistant Examiner of  Trade Marks, Examiner of Trade Marks, Administrative Officer, Assistant Registrar of Trade Marks and Deputy Registrar of Trade Marks. Obtaining his law degree from the Bombay University he enrolled himself as an advocate under the West Bengal Bar Council in 1975. He is the recipient of a Life Time Achievement Award from AIPP (India) and IPLPA as an author of standard works in the field being the renowned author of Law of Trade Marks & Passing off, Trade Mark Trade Name & Passing off Cases, Patent Law, Law of Copyright & Industrial Designs and Intellectual Property Law.

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