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Law of Property - Corporeal and Intellectual (2 Volume Set)

Law of Property - Corporeal and Intellectual (2 Volume Set)

  • ₹4,995.00

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  • Author(s): Yogesh V Nayyar
  • Publisher: Asia Law House
  • Edition: 1 Ed 2025
  • Approx. Pages 2910 + Cntents
  • Format Hardbound
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 18 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

The word 'property' is used in numerous senses in general. If one looks around in the surroundings, everything available may be categorized as Property. Every object, whether tangible or intangible having some value to human beings, may be termed as Property. The essential characteristic of Property is the value attached to it. In one way or the other, it is a source of wealth. The value, although may be either monetary or personal. In a general sense, therefore Property consists of land, shares, buildings and debts due to another person. However, the term when used in the legal sense has a definite connotation. It is the right to enjoy and to dispose of certain things in an absolute
manner as one thinks it fit.
The word "property" is derived from the Latin word proprietary and the French equivalent properties, which means a thing owned. The concept of property and ownership are very similar to each other. However, there is a fine line that distinguishes the two terms. It will not be incorrect to state that humans have been aware of their rights to possess what they rightfully own for long. The term property has been widely interpreted by various jurists such as Salmond, Bentham and Austin. Close observation of the definitions given by them will help us understand the concept in a better manner.
Table of Contents
Volume - I

I. Brief Understanding of Transfer of Property Act, 1882II.
II. General Principles of Transfer of Property Act, 1882
III. Right to Property
IV. Succession Right of Individual & Family Members in Property
V. Coparcenary Property & Rights of Succession
VI. Law of Succession in Hindus in view of Vineeta Sharma's Case
VII. Law relating to Partition of HUF
VIII. Women's Right to Succession and Inheritance under Muslim, Christian, Jews and Parsi Law.
IX. Partition & Suits
X. Succession Wills, Family Arrangements/Settlements & HUF Partitions
XI. Case Laws on Partition Cases
XII. Preliminary, Final Decrees, Mesne Profits and Status of Third Party Purchaser
XIII. Courts Jurisdiction Executing Decree
XIV. Possession and Adverse Possession
XV. Intellectual Property & Disputes
Volume - II
XVI. The Commercial Courts Act & Rights of Parties before Court
XVII. Litigation under Arbitration Law
XVIII. Arbitration & Jurisdiction of Courts
XIX. Limitation Period in Suits
XX. Declaration and Injunction in Suits
XXI. Principles of Injunction - Perpetual/Permanent/Mandatory
XXII. Judgments on Arbitration - 2024.
Consolidated Subject Index.
Author Details
Yogesh V Nayyar

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