- Author(s): Dominic Johnson, George Johnson
- Publisher: Em Tee En Publications
- Edition: 10 Ed 2025
- ISBN 10 8188058653
- ISBN 13 9781880587263
- Approx. Pages 652 + contents
- Format Hardbound
- Approx. Product Size 24 x 18 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
- Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)
While legislating the Kerala Land Reforms Act, the Government have kept in view the broad objectives of land reforms as laid down by the Planning Commission and the basic aims of the Kerala Agrarian Relations Act. The Act seeks to confer fixity of tenure on tenants giving, at the same time, a limited right of resumption to landlords. The Act prescribes uniform rates of fair rent applicable throughout the State for different classes of land and provides the machinery for determination of fair rent on the application of the cultivating tenant or the landlord. There is also a provision under which the landlord and the tenant can fix the rent by agreement. The Act gives the landlord the right to sue for eviction of the tenant for failure to pay rent for two consecutive years. The Act contains provisions enabling the cultivating tenant to purchase the rights of the landowner and intermediaries in the holding. The Act also enables the Government to compulsorily vest the rights of landlords and intermediaries in the cultivating tenant. The Act also provides that no tenancy shall be created in respect of any land in future, with certain exceptions. There are special provisions in the Act pertaining to Kudikidappukars which, among others, provide that a Kudikidappukaran can be shifted from his kudikidappu only on his being allotted an alternate site. The Act provides for imposition of a ceiling on holdings. The act provides for the constitution of Land Tribunals and Land Board for the administration of its provisions.
1. The Kerala Land Reforms Act, 1963
2. The Kerala Land Reforms (Tenancy) Rules, 1970
3. The Kerala Land Reforms (Ceiling) Rules, 1970
4. The Kerala Land Reforms (Vesting and Assignment) Rules, 1970
5. The Kerala Land Reforms (Kudikidappukars Benefit Fund) Rules, 1970
6. The Kerala Land Reforms (Agriculturist Rehabilitation Fund) Rules, 1973
7. The Kerala Land Reforms (Payment of Compensation for Excess
Lands) Rules, 1974
8. The Land Reforms Review Board (Procedure) Rules, 1974
9. The Kerala Land Reforms (Re-determination of Purchase
Price and Compensation or Annuity) Rules, 1980
10. The Kerala Land Reforms (Trial of Offences by Taluk Land
Board) Rules, 1976
11. The Kerala Land Reforms (Grant of Pension to the Indigent
Ex-landlords) Rules, 1997
The Kerala Reforms (using of five percent Plantation land for non- plantation purpose)RULE,2015
The Kanam Tenancy Abolition Act, 1976
The Kanam Tenancy Abolition RULE, 1977
12. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1969 (Extracts)
13. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1971 (Extracts)
14. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1972 (Extracts)
15. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1973 (Extracts)
16. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1973 (Extracts)
17. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1974 (Extracts)
18. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1976 (Extracts)
19. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1978 (Extracts)
20. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1979 (Extracts)
21. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1981 (Extracts)
22. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1989 (Extracts)
23. The Kerala Land Reforms (Second Amendment) Act, 1989 (Not
enforced so far, hence not incorporated)
24. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1999 (Extracts)
25. The Kerala Land Reforms (Third Amendment) Act, 2005 (Extracts)
26. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 2005 (Extracts)
27. The Kerala Land Reforms (Second Amendment) Act, 2005 (Extracts)
28. The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 2014 (Extracts)
29. Notification (For details see Page 32)
30. Circular
31. Index
Author Details
George Johnson, M.A., LL.M
Dominic Johnson, LL.B