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Law of Contracts - II (Notes / Guide Books)

Law of Contracts - II (Notes / Guide Books)

  • ₹180.00

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  • Author(s): Anil K. Nair
  • Publisher: Aparna Publications
  • Edition: Latest Edn.
  • Approx. Pages 147 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 27 x 21 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

1 Definition of Contract of Indemnity                       -
2 Definition of Contract of Guarantee
3 Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee
4 Kinds of  Guarantee
5 Right and Liabilities of a Surety
6 Contract of Bailment
7 Rights and Duties of Bailment
8 Finder of Lost Goods
9 Pawn or Pledge
10 Contract of Agency
11 Kinds of Agents
12 Modes of Creation of Agency
13 Relation of Principal and Agent
14 Relation of Principal with Third Parties
15 Termination of Agency
16 Contact of Sale of Goods        
17 Sale and Agreement to Sell
18 Sale and Hire - purchase Agreement
19 Sale and Contract for Work and Labour
20 Condition and Warranty
21 Caveat   Emptor
22 Passing of Property in the Goods
23 Sale by Non-owners
24 Rights of an Unpaid Seller
25 C. I.F   Contract
26 Definition of Partnership
27 Partnership is an Extention of Agency
28 Test to Determine Partnership                     
29 Implied Authority of a Partner
30 Formation of Partnership
31.   Partnership and Joint Hindu Family
32.   Duration of Partnership
33.   Types of Partners
34.   Position of Minors
35.   Registration of Partnership
36.   Rights and Duties of Partners
37.   Agreement in Restraint of Trade
38.   Reconstitution of Firm
39.   Dissolution of Firm
Author Details
Anil K. Nair, Advocate, High Court of Kerala.

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